Tonight, I'm going to go see Horton Hears A Who again with Becca, Laura, Kuon Chin, Heidie, Rachel, Morgan, and hopefully Matt and Stephanie (at least I think that's her name >.<;; I love her to death, but I phail so hard at names); and then Laura, Becca, Kuon Chin, and hopefully Heidie are going to spend the night at my house! Yei! So what I really need to be doing right now is cleaning... >_>;; But I made a goal to post more, and so I'm going to do it! :D;;
Anyways, before I go, a meme!
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick three of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
the icons were chosen by
kichara 1.
I love this one 'cause it's so picturesque! Also, I adore her tutu and tights and I want them so omfg much~!! <3
*ish a dorkasaurus* 8D
I have no idea what this is a quote from , but I found it quite humorous. :D;;
This one is a lyric from the song Rocket Man by Elton John. I adore that song so much and also LOVE LOVE LOVE when you can see the moon during the day, and jet trails, so of course I love this icon~! ^-^