Pigs fly. Could I actually be having a good day?

May 23, 2006 14:40

Concert tonight. -Plus (Bonuses that Andrew McMahon is a cutie.)
Dinner with the girls at trendy resturaunt.-Double Plus. (Brownie points for chick drink hookup.)
London. In 2 days? -The cake. (Frosting for renting a flat and living with the locals.)
Call to say I got a paid music industry marketing internship?-Priceless.
(Who knew that this whole higher education thing could be handy... almost makes me want to run and work on my thesis- ALMOST.)

This girl is ready for the week to be over. Vacation with a capital V. 2 1/2
weeks of not having to think is better than chocolate. Did I also mention I'm hitting
French Canada? Oui. Montreal in the mix. This should be interesting. What I think is scary is that despite me basking in getting away from my life for awhile?... I'm actually okay about returning to everything full swing when I get back. Because for once? It feels like I may be headed in the right direction.
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