wow. ok so about pirates; it wasnt the best one. it was somewhat confusing at times with all the different things going on at once, but it all pulls together nicely at the end.
yesterday i got to the movies around 6 and waited an hour by myself. priscilla was supposed to come at 6:30, but came almost around 7:15ish. luckily steve and kali came around 6:45. they had another theater, but they switched to ours. steve's cool; he kept telling me i was cute lol. alex, rosy's friend, was there too. priscilla said he was on a date, so she didnt bother them. lol kali started crying during the movie. lol but i shouldnt be talking. i gasped loudly at one scene (i cant tell you which) and started crying. not balling or anything, but tears were forming slowly. priscilla at once time wiped her eyes too. steve was just laughing at us. him and kali were wearing potc tattoo's on their faces. i want to get some for tomorrow since im going to hollywood to see it again. hollywood. its fun going over there really. but those ppl who dress up as villains and follow you around fucking scare me.
anyway, i got to miss school today. i got back home around 12 and chris wasnt feeling good (he threw a couple of times). my mom said i could stay home if i take care of him. i agreed obviously and now we're watching that rock honors award show. ew criss angel just.... ew that was gross. chris wants to see criss angel in vegas for his bday. i dont mind since we watch criss angels show and i love making fun of how it starts lol.
anyway, i saw the new fergie video with milo ventimiglia. i keep getting the song stuck in my head: dont really care for fergie, but milo looks so sexy (ok now priscilla got me used to saying sexy all the time lol) and hot in the video.
im watching tyra right now. yay i just finished making another tote bag. im going to use it tomorrow. ciao!