Fic: Adventures in the Bad Green Apple: Blood for a Bauble - Chapter 11 (Wicked)

Aug 22, 2009 12:42

Fandom: Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
Disclaimer: Wicked (c) Gregory Maguire.
Rating: R, whole fic PG-13/R.
Pairings: Glinda/Elphaba, Glinda/Fiyero, others that it would be spoilery to mention.
Summary: In a slightly different Oz, Elphaba Thropp ekes out her living as a bitter private eye in the Emerald City, the bad ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

jelly_belly99 August 22 2009, 15:42:34 UTC
I have very mixed feelings... I really, really, really want the next chapter... but the next chapter is the last one. What am I going to look forward to every Wednesday and Saturday when this is over?

Loved this chapter. Oh Nessa. How nearly you got splattered all over a wall. I almost feel so bad for her that she got a taste of being able-bodied and then got it taken away again... but she so deserved it. A fitting end for her, I believe.

And Morrible! In all the excitement I completely forgot about her too, so it was such a shock when she turned up in Fiyero's carriage. Oh Fiyero, please be alright!


jemandhyel August 22 2009, 17:57:15 UTC
Well who knows? Maybe if you are very, very good the magical fic elves will bring you more goodies....

Lol, very nearly. Not quite an end though, but no more walking for her!

Haha! Read on to find out XD


rtarara August 23 2009, 00:14:15 UTC
This was such an intense chapter. I was so surprised when Elphaba shot Nessa's kneecaps. I had forgotten about Morribale too. I am excited for the final showdown, but I am oh so sad it's the last chapter :'(


jeminisoul August 23 2009, 08:54:12 UTC
Well Nessa did kind of deserve it you have to admit.

Soooorrrrryyyyy, but maybe if you wish really hard more fic will come? XD


aelisa August 23 2009, 23:35:31 UTC
'Nessarose shoved the barrel angrily against Glinda, holding her neck in a tight lock. "Nobody move or I'll shoot," she called, sweat matting her normally pristine hair and sending her eyeliner running in coal black tears down her face.' - I could picture that perfectly. It really showed Nessarose, for me, and what greed and power has helped do to her. Again, I almost felt sorry for her. Then I realised she had a gun to Glinda's head, and that's just NOT on ( ... )


jeminisoul August 24 2009, 19:35:15 UTC
Have I mentioned recently how much I love your comments? Because I do. Muchly.

Oh but pity the fool who commits cruel deeds more than the cruel who commit foolish ones. *Nods*. Wow, I can make up such rubbish after a day teaching drama XD. Nessarose = batshit crazy, that help?

We adore you too :D.

Thank you, I'm rather proud of that line...

I have been secretly getting in Wicked lyrics and parallels through out the story, see if you can spot them! Lol, that was one of Hyel's gorgeous bits so you would have to ask her if that was intentional or not. As to their ending... you will have to read and find out.

We will certainly not be leaving the fandom and you never know what will happen with these fics. Wednesday = D-day apparently, and don't worry there are always good fics out there too :D


aelisa August 24 2009, 20:18:35 UTC
You may have, but it is nice to know, especially considering I become all... funny, after reading your story, so it's hard to make sense sometimes xD

o.O Yay Philosophy? It makese sense... but batshit crazy covers it too!

It's an excellent line, really.

Yeah, like I say, my brain turns to mush when reading this, most of the time. I'll probably read it all over again once it's... *sniff* done. I'll try and spot them then XD Oh, I think I might, and I will read. Even if I don't want to. Because I hate endings of good things.
Mmhmm, mmhmm *sniffle* xD


jeminisoul August 24 2009, 20:52:01 UTC
Good funny I hope? We can always get you though :)

A good one to, I should write that down... wait a minute!

Ta *has ego stroked and begins to purr*

Glad that you like it so much and don't worry, as one door closes another opens. Who knows what the future may bring? *Continues to speak cryptically*

*Pats* you'll be okay.


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