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Jan 01, 2006 17:04

like always new years was the worst day of my year. i spent the whole day trying to help out a friend and because of that everybody that was around me was pissed off and giving me shit. nobody gets what im going through right now, and somehow i can still be selfless when i am going through something like this. i had a long talk with my sister last night, which i needed to do. it's wierd cause we used to fight like cats and dogs, but now she's the person that's helping me the most, letting me know not everyone is a selfish manipulative asshole, and that she's really there for me, not just saying it and then turning around and trying to make it be about her. not only did she listen to what i had to say, she understood, and she wasnt afraid to say things that i needed to hear even though i wouldnt like hearing them. yeah for the past couple days i've been saying that friends are one of the most important things in your life, but it seems that a lot of my so-called friends dont hesitate to stab me in the back when im doing something that they dont like. im beyond lucky to have a sister that really loves me and is really there for me no matter WHAT. everyone else says theyre there until things start getting rocky, then they either turn it around and make me feel like shit, or totally bail, either way in doing so you're only compounding my problem, so if you can't handle it and do the right thing like i say, just leave and i'll let you know if i ever want you around again.
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