I want a copy of David Lippincott's Savage Ransom-- even an ebook or something similar would suffice. >: ...Does anyone know where I can download it or something? I don't think I know how to download stuff off torrent, though *fail*
I've been nostalgic lately. Mostly about meeting up with my old high-school classmates. It must be because of the stress I get from school. It's been more than two years since I've graduated, and I find it silly how I'm feeling this only now. I blame the stress from the workload since the last time I've had to go through something similar was when I was in highschool, so yeah, I miss my high school friends. I'm really thinking of just randomly trying to contact them to get together, but the problem is, I don't know what we'd do. XD; I was hoping for something that didn't require spending a lot due to financial constraints, but ugh, I'm clueless.
School. I'm talking summer classes for the first time in forever and I just have to say one thing-- enrollment-- ugh. It's still a pain as usual. Really, everytime I have to go through this I swear my feet would rather that I just cut it off with all the walking to and fro the buildings for minute things like cancelling a single subject, getting someone's signature, or having a single sheet of paper printed. I hope I finish all my CAS (College of Arts and Sciences) subjects soon, because after that, I'm pretty sure enrollment would be just a breeze since the CP (College of Pharmacy) office is just nice and efficient and so much easier to work with rather than those at the CAS building, stupid, bitchy hags. >/
On another note, my dad bought us a pen tablet. Awesome. Too bad I can't install it on my netbook since it doesn't have a cd playing... thing... to add the programs needed to use it. Oh well, I'll just have to use Lappy or the family computer, then.
AND on another note, I have a student license. Uh huh. 8D I can't wait for the day that I can freely use my car and finally appreciate turning 18 and legal.
Oh, and I did a blogalyser thing.
The Blogalyser reveals...
Your blog/web page text has an overall readability index of 11.
This suggests that your writing style is conventional
(to communicate well you should aim for a figure between 10 and 20).Your blog has 37 sentences per entry, which suggests your general message is distinguished by verbosity
(writing for the web should be concise).
Your text shows characteristics which are 54% male and 46% female
(for more information see the
Gender Genie).
Looking at pronoun indicators, you write mainly about yourself, then the world in general and finally your social circle. Also, your writing focuses primarily on the present, next the past and lastly the future.
Find out what your blogging style is like!