hoilday to Prague, Bratislava and Budapest

Nov 18, 2007 15:16


Today started off raining and stayed cloudy all day, so it never got warm. We went on the tram, it was very squeaky and empty of people as it’s slow. We got the train tickets to Budapest, they are valid for two months.
We then decided to walk back to the old town. On the way we passed the Grassalkivich Palace where the President lives. The Gardens at the back are a bit bland and the fountain does not work. The fountain at the front is much better. The security guards at the front of the palace are very noticeable. We used the subway to go under the busy Slaromastska road, there was a shopping area all under ground. We walked around the north side of the castle and entered the grounds from the west gate. We walked though the grounds to the castle it’s self. We looked over the walls, where you can see Petrzalka housing estate and Austria. Austria has wind farms. The castle had a museum in the top two floors, but we did not go in and have a look as we did to many museum yesterday. We went under the courtyard to the castle well. It’s very deep. We walked around the rest of the grounds. We found the Museum of Music but did not go in, it looks like no one ever does. We found some cats as well. We found the ruined basilica and a old water cistern. Plus a statue of St Elizabeth. St Elizabeth was the daughter of an Austrian King, she die at 24 having lived in the castle and spending years helping the sick and poor. We walked down past the impressive defensive walls to the Jewish area. We found the Museum of Clocks.
We crossed over Staromestska road and entered the old town.

We bought some cakes and milkshakes and ate them at the hotel.
We realized the floor around Hlavne Namestie has these pieces of modern art in it. These little brass pictures. At first we thought they where just odd cobbles, then they where more arrow showing the way to the castle, but there not. There is no clue as to what they are about. It’s the same with the big statues on the street corners. Still they are nice to look at and find.
Later Mum and I went to the big Tesco. It’s a bit like Marks and Sparks. Then we came back to the hotel and worked out where to have dinner.
There where fireworks that night, we don’t know why.

blog, bratislava, solvakia

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