Title: Unbreakable
Pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol, hint!Kai/Baekhyun
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 27k+
Summary: When Baekhyun breaks, everything else does. Or so he thinks.
Birthday fic for
baexian! Happy Birthday, yeoja! Stay on crack <3
I’m overboard,
And I need you now,
Pull me up,
I can’t swim on my own.
The glass was cold in his arms when he woke up to the sound of faint rain drops and gray fog. The solitude was silently eating him inside, a fair contrast to the noise he was used to. He doesn’t know how long he has been asleep, but he was certain it was enough to regenerate his energy. He hasn’t been getting enough sleep for the last month because of this day after all. And now that it has come, there was no reason to cut off his sleeping hours in half. Silence enveloped around him. It was the start of the day, yet it was already raining. His mother had always warned him about rainy days in Seoul. They tend to be colder than the usual and he never really liked anything colder.
He liked the silence though. It gave him time to think, to feel and to remember.
(“Hey Baek, when you get there, call me ok?” Kyungsoo, his best friend, told him for the umpteenth time that day he left.
“You promise to come home every end of the year?” His brother, Jaehyun, whom he was really close to, asked for reassurance. He nodded to the both of them and gave them a warm smile.
The rest of his parting day was full of emotional air. He couldn’t understand though, at that time, since he thought it was just a few months and he was only going to Seoul and not six feet under.)
But now he understands. The absence of the warmth he was used to left him empty inside. He was eventually driven out from his thoughts when his phone started vibrating constantly. It wasn’t a call but a load of messages all sent at once. He curved his lips with a smile; his friends’ idea of a prank. They never change.
Yet amidst all the flooded messages, there was one name he couldn’t miss.
From: Chanyeol
To: Baekhyun
Sent: 5:15 AM
Call me when you arrive, mine.
I miss you now. :(
His smile was tainted with tear drops. It was even harder without Chanyeol beside him.
To: Chanyeol
From: Baekhyun
Sent: 6:28 AM
I miss you too. :(
For a promise of a life time, they knew they couldn’t bear being away from each other for a day. He suppressed his sobs by pressing on his phone, hoping that they disappear, like how the rain drops disappear on the concrete.
The rain was gone, leaving only wet pavements and cold air, when he hopped off the bus, finally arriving in Seoul. He looked around, brushing his hands together to emit heat where he failed miserably. He fished out a card from his pocket and dialed the number.
(“Baekhyun, this the school’s phone number, okay? Call them when you arrive. They’ll come pick you up.” His mother said softly, staring at him lovingly, while gently patting his head as if he was a baby.)
A car arrived 15 minutes later.
The school was big-self-explainable since it focuses on sports and minor subjects so they probably have loads of gymnasiums and whatnot. He was taken to the Dean first, had a few introductions, then to the dorms where they insisted he rest but he doesn’t really feel tired, given that he slept for hours inside the bus. But he can use some alone and quiet time. He was introduced to his roommate, Sungyeol, a senior and a Basketball player, who had taken the liberty to clean Baekhyun’s area before he arrived.
The only thing that made it awkward was that he came in the moment Sungyeol was done showering and he introduced himself half-nakedly, with only a towel covering his private part. “Sorry, I just came back from basketball practice. Shower room was stuffed so I decided to take a shower here.”
“It’s okay,” Baekhyun croaked. “You might want to hold on to that towel, though.”
Sungyeol chuckled then walked to his closet. He grabbed a pair of khaki shorts and a jersey. “Baekhyun, right?”
“Yeah, Sungyeol, right?” Baekhyun smiled at him, looking up from the pictures he was trying to glue on the wall before fixing his luggage and his bed. On a side note, the room was nice, not too big and not too small, just suffice. They both have separate beds and separate wardrobes. There’s one study table at the middle, composed of two cubicles and a lampshade. The walls were painted white, but Sungyeol put some colors on his side of the wall which made Baekhyun’s side look dull. He made a mental note to buy spray cans, just in case.
“Well, I’m barely here so most of the time you have the room all by yourself. I’m really lazy when it comes to cleaning so I apologize in advance if you smell something funny around here. Just search under my bed. Must be rotten pizzas. Or used socks.”
To put it simply: I don’t clean so you clean if you want to make it out of this room alive.
Baekhyun nodded. “Okay. I’ll take note of that.”
Sungyeol looked behind him. “Nice photos you got there,”
Baekhyun turned to see then back to Sungyeol. “Thanks. A friend of mine took them.”
Sungyeol nodded. Then his gaze averted to Baekhyun’s stuffed luggage at the corner. “You need some help unpacking?”
“Oh, it’s okay. I can do it by myself.”
“No, I insist. It’s a good start. We can open up about things while unpacking. Who knows if you might blurt out something that might be relevant in the future?”
Baekhyun’s isn’t sure what that means but he made it sound so Shakespeare. So he ended up complying.
“You’re a swimmer?” Sungyeol asked, just when he realized, when he came across Baekhyun’s swimming trunks. Baekhyun nodded. “Cool. You got to see Miss Korea every day.”
“Miss Korea?”
“Oh, we call her that. Your coach. She’s really hot and sexy. Really popular in here. Most of the guys that join the swimming team only join for the sake of having her as a coach.”
“Oh.” That was the only word that came out since he doesn’t care about the boobies and butts because well yeah, he’s different.
“It sucks that we have an old man for a coach,” Sungyeol murmured. “Sadly, I’m not born with fish tails but rather rabbit feet.”
“Why does everybody say fish tails?”
“Because it’s the universal term,” Sungyeol said as-a-matter-of-factly. “Would you rather be called mermaids then?” Baekhyun snarled. He couldn’t even think of any coherent replies for that statement. “I’d take that as a no.”
Baekhyun shook his head to avert his attention from the topic. “The rabbit feet though.”
“Okay, let’s end the conversation there.”
Baekhyun laughed and continued unpacking.
He gripped the sling of his bag as he stood frozen in front of the pool gate. He changed his hair color by the demands of the school, from brown to black, though that wasn’t really the case. He was finally going to meet his team today. He had heard a lot about them, given their reputation as the best swimming team in Seoul for universities and always winning first in every competition they participate in. Which was why he couldn’t say no when they offered him a scholarship. Swimming was his forte.
His orientation lasted for a week; from the school rules, to the dormitory, to the scholarship grant and finally to the team, giving him sufficient amount of time to adjust. But as outgoing and mischievous as he was, he couldn’t shake the feeling of anxiety off his shoulders. First meetings were always so hard. But as he checks the time, he knew he couldn’t afford missing his introduction, more importantly, coming late, especially on the first day.
He just wished Chanyeol was here to shoo away all the negative vibes. Nothing ever went wrong whenever he is with the latter. Chanyeol was always like that, always keeping a positive mind, in contrast to Baekhyun’s negativity. He bit his lip, not as hard as he used to since Chanyeol always scolded him that his lips always bled, and shook his hands. He reached up to the handle only to be beaten by a tanner pair of hands. The door opened slightly but the owner stopped and looked down on him. He was slightly taller, okay maybe not slightly.
“Hey, what are you doing outside? Were you going in?”
He wondered if it was a custom for them to talk to strangers.
Baekhyun nodded slightly. He felt the man’s eyes scan him from head to toe so he looked away to avoid meeting his gaze and making it seem more awkward. “Um,” The man croaked. “You don’t happen to be the new guy, do you?”
Baekhyun scratched his neck and chuckled. “I think.”
“Cool.” The man pushed the door wide open, startling Baekhyun. He didn’t have any time to react though since he was being pulled inside against his will. No matter how much he tried to resist, the man was far stronger-and taller-than him. Furthermore, this wasn’t his idea of a first impression. “Hey guys, I met the new kid!”
They stop just beside the bleachers. Baekhyun scanned the pool area. Some were coming out from the pool, some were stretching near the benches while the others were running to the shower room. He was too overwhelmed that he didn’t notice the man’s repetitive questions until a finger snapped in front of him, pulling him back to reality. “What’s your name?”
“B-Baekhyun,” He wondered if he sounded weird saying his name but the man didn’t seem to mind.
“His name’s Baekhyun!” The man announced to the others, unsure of the benefits of being the announcer himself. He turned back to Baekhyun with a grin. “My name’s-“
“Jongin!” A woman came up behind him, smacking his head with a newspaper. “You’re late.”
Baekhyun blinked. The Jongin guy was obviously in pain. “Um, are you okay?”
“Oh, ignore him, Byun,” The woman pushed Jongin away. “I’m Jaekyung by the way, your instructor.”
His attention eventually drifted back to Jongin though, who was screaming in pain.
“He’s Jongin, Kim Jongin,” Jaekyung saw a huge question mark above Baekhyun’s head. “The Kim Jongin. Oh for Christ’s sake, also known as Kai.”
Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “KAI?!”
“Yes, Kai. Rings a bell?” Jaekyung asked. Baekhyun nodded.
Kai, as in the superstar Kai, who’s really famous for being a great swimmer and hot at the same time. Some of his friends at his previous school admired him but he was too busy dealing with Chanyeol’s idiocy to even have time researching about the people who’s in the same field of interest as him. To be honest, he never really dreamt of becoming a professional swimmer, it just so happened that one summer, there was no representative at one of the city meets so they just threw him in the water where a teacher from the school happened to be watching the game.
“Good,” Jaekyung patted his back. “Now let’s meet the others.” She smiled then turned around, blowing on the whistle. “ALRIGHT EVERYONE. LINE NOW.”
In an instant, there were five lines formed in front of them. Jaekyung did a head check before inviting Baekhyun beside her. “You all heard about the new guy right?” She nodded at Baekhyun, gesturing him to start talking and stop staring.
“Uh,” Baekhyn started. “Hi, my name’s Byun Baekhyun.”
“HI BAEKHYUN!” A few others greeted him with a smile, making him feel warm and welcomed. Maybe this whole idea of a scholarship isn’t so bad.
The next minute, Jaekyung threw him his training trunks.
(It was summer when Baekhyun broke the news to Chanyeol. The latter’s expression were mixed; proudness and worry. He was at the school’s pool area, waiting for Chanyeol to return, listening to the sound of the crickets around him. The water was calm in his knees, even when he started swinging them under. Chanyeol got back after a few seconds, holding two bottles of sodas in each hand. “So, when will you leave?”
“Trying to get rid of me already? I haven’t even decided yet.” Baekhyun chuckled, taking one soda from Chanyeol as the latter sits down beside him.
“What do you mean you haven’t decided yet? Mine, this is your opportunity. God didn’t bless you with fish tails for nothing.” Chanyeol murmured while drinking from his bottle.
“I do not have fish tails!” Baekhyun yelled offended and pushed Chanyeol gently, almost making the latter choke on his drink.
Baekhyun stuck a tongue out on him. “Won’t you miss me though?”
There was a moment of silence. Baekhyun can feel himself drown-which was a rare case for him given that his swimming skills were at least regarded as superb by his coaches-in Chanyeol’s scent as the latter leaned closer. Chanyeol pinched his nose and smiled. Baekhyun couldn’t help but crunch. “Of course I’ll miss you, silly.”
When Chanyeol retracted his fingers, Baekhyun couldn’t help but giggle. Then Chanyeol leaned closer, their foreheads touching. “You know I can’t stay away from you for so long,” He whispered in warm breath.
Baekhyun closed his eyes.)
And he snapped them open only to gasp, where he ended up drinking the water. He flailed his arms when he lost equilibrium, violently grabbing on to nothing but the cold water until he landed on his feet and he raised his head out of the water. He gasped violently, even coughing at some point.
“Are you okay?”
Baekhyun turned to the owner of the voice and found Jongin kneeling by the edge of the pool, looking down at him with a worried face. He nodded. “Yeah,”
“What were you doing? I thought you’re dead.”
“You weren’t coming out…and your eyes were closed.”
Baekhyun chuckled. “Sorry, I always do that. It makes me think better.”
“Well, you could have at least given me a warning.” Jongin complained childishly.
“Sorry.” Baekhyun repeated, receiving a sigh from Jongin. He looked around and found the place empty.
“They’re all gone. Practice ended 10 minutes ago. And if you’re curious, you were under the water for 14 minutes.” Jonging didn’t sound so proud. “Which is longer than what I can manage.”
“You’re kidding,” Baekhyun murmured, walking slowly to the edge with his arms lying prone to the water, away from his midline, pushing his body forward.
“Not a big deal though. Hey, you’re the first person to beat any of my records.” This time, he actually sounded proud. That genuine smile plastered on his face says it all. “It’s so cool.”
“It’s so cool?” Baekhyun repeated, sounding a bit ridiculed, while struggling to get out of the water-which was the hardest part of being a swimmer-that Jongin had to help him in a way. “Sorry.” The apology was necessary because he was wet and Jongin seemed to have just gotten out of the wash room.
Jongin shrugged. “You should take a shower before they turn the meter off.”
With that, Baekhyun jolted forward and ran to the washroom, almost slipping yet managed to carry himself. Jongin couldn’t help but laugh. He’s never had a good laugh before, they’re always about pranks and whatnot, so it was overwhelming for him that he felt so comfortable with the latter’s presence. When Baekhyun came out 20 minutes later, complaining at how the water was so slow, he found the nerve to say, “Let’s grab a bite.”
Baekhyun, of course, complied.
The bells rang in unison with their presence inside the store. Baekhyun found the place oddly familiar, and then he remembered his hometown have a store with almost the same infrastructure as this one. Before he can even step further in, he can hear the customers and waiters alike greet Jongin-not that he found it weird; Jongin is a renowned swimmer after all. He found a seat near the windows just when the dark clouds started covering up the blue sky, painting it with gray dusts and dirty whites.
It almost seems like it rains every freaking minute. Baekhyun thought while drawing lines on the cold foggy glass.
“So,” Baekhyun turned in front, watching as Kai sits down, dumping his backpack on the chair beside him in the process. “As a citizen of this city, I shall apologize for the sudden burst of rain which has been going on for weeks now because 1. The sky loves making people wet, doesn’t sound so bad but then 2.People have more things to do, which sounds bad only because 3. People can’t do these things when they’re soaking wet because of the rain but we don’t care because 4. We’re swimmers and we get wet every damn time it doesn’t even make a difference whether it’s rain or pool water.”
Baekhyun blinked at him then smiled. “5. I actually like the rain.”
“Oh,” Jongin felt appalled. “Then I take it all back.”
Baekhyun felt his phone vibrate and immediately fished it out to read the message.
From: Chanyeol
To: Baekhyun
Sent: 4:21 PM
Mine, my shift just ended. FINALLYYY.
And it’s sooooo hot here. How are you doing?
Baekhyun smiled.
To: Chanyeol
From: Baekhyun
Sent: 4:23 PM
It keeps on raining here. Want me to send some there?
And I’m fine, my practice just ended. I did my usual holding-my-breath-under-the-water thing.
My teammate thought I was dying.
From: Chanyeol
To: Baekhyun
Sent: 4:25 PM
Hey! I thought you were too the first time I saw you did that. You’re so weird.
But I’m weird too. And I love you. So we’re perfect for each other.
Oh and send the rain please, with a Baekhyun in it.
P.S. Do I have the right to meet this teammate?
Baekhyun couldn’t help but giggle this time, not even aware of the strange looks Jongin has been giving him. Oh and Chanyeol has always been curious about everything…everything about Baekhyun, at least. He knows all of Baekhyun’s relatives, even the dead ones, so it’s no surprise he wants to meet every single person Baekhyun mentions to him.
From: Baekhyun
To: Chanyeol
Sent: 4:28 PM
You’re so adorable. :)
You’ve met him though. Well, not really.
Remember Kai who’s everyone’s been talking about besides me?
From: Chanyeol
To: Baekhyun
Sent: 4:29PM
From: Baekhyun
To: Chanyeol
Sent: 4:28 PM
Language Mine. >:/
Not kidding though.
From: Chanyeol
To: Baekhyun
Sent: 4:28 PM
Sorry Mine. :3
Since he’ll be taking care of you, no?
Baekhyun looked up when he heard glasses clanking near him. He saw the waiter serve their drink and food, with a Jongin who’s as excited as a kid. When Jongin caught his gaze, he grinned. “I didn’t know what you would like so I just ordered the same thing.”
Baekhyun looked down on his plate. A simple pasta and chicken matched with a salad for dessert, probably a cupcake too. “You could’ve just asked me.”
“Well, you were drawing lines on the window.”
Baekhyun shook his head. Either way, he wasn’t complaining. He’s not really the picky type. Chanyeol used to order for him too and mind you, that kid orders almost anything. So Baekhyun never had a favorite food or favorite
menu or favorite restaurant even. Chanyeol made him think that everything is worth being anyone’s favorite. Or that favorite doesn’t exist. His phone vibrated on his hands and he almost yelped.
From: Chanyeol
To: Baekhyun
Sent: 4:35 PM
Still there?
Baekhyun clicked his tongue and immediately typed on the screen.
Jonging squinted from his seat. “Girlfriend?”
“Boyfriend.” Being too busy replying-because Chanyeol tend to call when Baekhyun doesn’t reply immediately-he didn’t have time to think of what he just blurted out until the silence took over. He looked up from his phone and saw Jongin staring at him. “Uh-I-I mean-I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
“Hey, it’s no big deal,” Jongin shrugged. “Welcome to the club.”
Baekhyun blinked. “Huh?”
“Almost half of the members of the swimming team are gay,” Jongin informed him. “I, myself, contribute to that half,”
If the girls from his previous school heard this, they’d die.
Anyway, his stomach was slowly pending for food so he had to BRB Chanyeol, in which Chanyeol replied with a ‘GTG, I’ll call you when I get back home’. Baekhyun wasn’t the nosy type so he didn’t bother asking Chanyeol where he was going.
“You’re quite popular in my school you know,” Baekhyun started before munching on the chicken.
“Am I, now?” Jongin snorted. “Then, wouldn’t it be quite an honor for you to be having a meal with me in this very moment?”
“Oh shut up,” Baekhyun laughed at him and continued munching.
Jonging laughed with him, almost throwing his head back. “So, your…boyfriend…what’s his name?”
“Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol.” Baekhyun replied proudly.
Jongin nodded. “What a weird name-oh not that I’m trying to insult him or anything,”
“No, it’s okay. He’s weird anyway so I guess it’s understandable.”
“How long have you been together?”
“Four years.”
Jongin almost choked. “Holy shit…that long? Wow. I can never manage that.”
“I can imagine.” Baekhyun mocked.
“Can I meet him?”
Baekhyun paused. And then smiled. Jongin thought it was so precious, which was rather weird for him to think. “Funny, he said almost the same thing a while ago.”
“That’s a yes, then,”
The day they met each other, well not really met but close, was during their break from practice and Jongin ended up coming to his dorm room. His roommate was out for the night, probably drinking again, so it was the perfect opportunity. Baekhyun had prepared a picture of Chanyeol, not quite the best one but the most appropriate one, and glued it on the wall facing Jongin whose ear is now being occupied with the phone, which is in loud speaker by the way.
“I’ll let you know that I’m complying with this stupid idea of meeting him by imagining I’m actually talking to him when I’m talking to his picture because you’re my friend and that means I have to meet this lover of yours too.”
“You don’t have to explain.”
“I just want to make sure I say it out loud.”
After a few seconds, they can ear footsteps-since the one who answered the phone was Chanyeol’s mother and she said she’ll call Chanyeol down-and then heavy breathings. “HEY MINE!”
"It’s our endearment." Baekhyun whispered beside him.
“Uh, who’s this?”
“Baekhyun’s friend.”
“Kim Jongin.”
“-huh? Kim Jongin? I thought his friend was named Kai.”
Baekhyun gave him an idiotic smile.
“Well, I am Kai. Kim Jongin’s my real name.”
“Oh, what do you need a stage name for? Never mind that, is Baekhyun there? HEY MINE I LOVE YOU.”
Baekhyun dropped his head in embarrassment. Jongin now understands why that picture of Chanyeol where he’s smiling really wide, there was a twitch even, with his arms on his head, was appropriate. Baekhyun snatched the phone. “Mine, you were supposed to talk to him…like introduce yourselves to each other. I thought you wanted to meet him?”
“Oh sorry. I got a little too excited you called.” Baekhyun can imagine Chanyeol grinning while scratching his neck. Baekhyun returned the phone to Jongin.
“Anyway, my name’s Park Chanyeol but I bet you already know that. Uh…do I have to say my age and whatever too? I’m currently working as a photographer.”
“Cool.” And the conversation died like that.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes and snatched the phone again. “I don’t think you can be friends.”
“Hey! You don’t expect us to become friends over the phone. I actually need to meet him.”
“I agree.” Jongin nodded.
“See?” Chanyeol replied proudly. “Wait, am I on speaker?”
“You’re such an idiot.” Baekhyun blushed and smiled.
At the end of the first month, when Baekhyun thought nothing could go wrong unless he played according to the rules of the game, was when he was convinced that the rules of the game don’t matter after this big announcement Jaekyung was speaking of. They were gathered at the bleachers, all of them on their trunks, with towels hanging on their shoulders and feet bare on the cold tiles of the floor. Jongin was sitting beside him and another one of Jongin’s friends was sitting on his other side. They were both tan, to be honest all of them were, which makes it even awkward for him to sit this close to all of them since his skin is really fair despite being a swimmer.
“So, the Annual Swimming Competition is next month and you know that this is the most important event of the semester, right?” Jaekyung started, receiving nods of agreement from the team. “So, I’m going over your diet and practice pattern from now on. We have been leading for ten years now. We can’t lose this. Also, I’m going to be even stricter than last time.”
This time, she received disoriented groans.
“Stop whining you pussies and man up.”
Jaekyung looked at every one of them and stopped when her eyes met Jongin’s. “And Jongin, you’ve been slacking off lately. You know you can’t slack off. You’re our star swimmer.”
“Yeah yeah,” Jongin nodded nonchalantly.
Jaekyung just sighed. “Alright! Practice! Now! Go go go!” She yelled while blowing on her whistle.
The whole day was filled with stretching, swimming, advices and scolding from Jaekyung. One of the members, Jongup, talked to him about last year’s competition. “Kai was really good. He kept on winning. He even received an invitation to represent Korea for the Olympics.”
“What? Really?”
“Yeah, a number of politicians and representatives always come and watch the competition. Sadly, he turned it down. He said he’s contented with his life now and doesn’t need to be higher up since he claimed he’s as high as he can be right now. So, this year, we really want to be able to make it to the official team. If we get lucky, we might even get discovered too, invited even, since Kai turned them down.”
Baekhyun nodded in agreement. He did notice that the members all work really hard, like really hard. All of them looked like they can eat anyone alive, anyone who would go against them. Where Jongin is quite the opposite. He saw Jongin sleeping on the bleachers and excused himself from Jongup.
It’s not that Jongin was slacking off. It’s just that he doesn’t know what else to improve. Not that he was trying to brag but no matter what he does, he doesn’t get better, mainly because he is already the best. So, what else was there to improve? Even if he doesn’t come to practice for a week, he’ll still own the others.
He snapped his eyes open when he heard someone coming up. He turned his head to the side and saw Baekhyun walking towards him. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be practicing.”
“I could say the same thing to you.”
Baekhyun snorted and hit him lightly on the stomach. “Why’d you decline that invitation to the Olympics?”
Kai hummed while sitting up. “I suppose you heard that from Jongup.” Baekhyun nodded. “So, I suppose you also heard why.”
“You’re such an asshole. Just tell me. Contented with your life now? You’re kidding me.”
“Well, what else do you want to hear? I’m done with this swimming already. If I was any other person, I’d be delighted to hear that but sadly I’m not…I didn’t feel that way.”
Baekhyun almost couldn’t hold back his surprise when he heard Jongin speak of such a thing. So sad. “Why?”
“I don’t know. Contented with my life, I guess.” Jongin smirked at him. Baekhyun groaned. “I was thinking. You might get a shot of receiving an invitation this semester.”
“Come on, you’re the only swimmer here that got this close to beating my records,”
“I still have a long way to go,” Baekhyun said. “Although that might be nice,”
“Of course it is. Here, promise me you’ll get that shot,” Jongin turned to face him and held out s pinky finger.
“Jongin,” Baekhyun whined.
“Come on,”
“You’re so gay,” Baekhyun intertwined his pinky finger on Jongin’s and mumbled, “I promise.”
“What’s the place called again?” Chanyeol asked over the phone.
“Jeokbyeokgang River,” Baekhyun replied, his phone squeezed between his shoulder and his ear, while packing his clothes on the bed.
“The name doesn’t even sound safe,”
“Mine,” Baekhyun whined, his free hand taking the phone, shifting it to his right ear as he walks to the shower to grab his toothbrush and other necessities. He noticed the faucet on the sink was covered with bands and tapes and figured Sungyeol probably broke it. Then he heard keyboard clicking on the other side of the phone. “Are you researching the place?”
“What? I at least have to know what it looks like and where it’s located.”
“Stop worrying too much. I’m not even going alone. I’m going with my teammates and the coach. We’re not going there to have fun but to train.”
“Mine, you can’t keep me from worrying. For four years, I go wherever you go. If only I can come with you so I can watch over you.”
“I’m not a kid anymore. I can handle this, okay?” Baekhyun replied while putting his trunks on a separate small bag then fitted them at the corner of his luggage.
“Why do you even have to go to a lake to train?”
“I don’t know, ask them,” Baekhyun does know why. It’s just that there’s no use explaining because Chanyeol would just insist on his beliefs and would refuse believing whatever he’s trying to make him believe. “They’ve been doing it for years.”
“Does this place even have reception? It looks isolated.”
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “I so have it with your nagging,” And then he hung up.
Sungyeol looked up from his laptop then, having spoiled his bed with scattered nachos, it was rather hard for him to move because they’ll just fall further in if the bed sinks but after hearing his conversation over the phone, he can’t help but lend a voice. “Overprotective bastard?” He asked.
“More than,” Baekhyun replied then continued packing. His phone started vibrating but he decided to turn it off for the sake of his mood. “Just so annoying. He never nagged like that.”
“Well, based on your monologue the other day, wherein the only thing I remember you said was you two almost do everything together, I think it’s quite normal that he’d be worried sick since you’re going somewhere without him,”
“I just wished he trusted me more,”
“It’s not an issue of trust. It’s…responsibility. Like, he may be thinking along the lines of something might happen to you there and he’s not around to help you or something,” Sungyeol shrugged. “Take it from there,”
After a few rounds of denying, Baekhyun finally gave up and sighed. “Fine. You’re right. I’ll call him later.”
Later never came though since he fell asleep right after he finished packing. Sungyeol even had to fix his bed for him so he can sleep comfortably. So the first thing he did in the morning was to turn his phone, wherein he received countless messages of Chanyeol apologizing. He suddenly felt guilty and decided to call the latter but the voice over answered instead. So he called their telephone wherein Chanyeol’s mother answered at the third ring. “Hello? Park Residence.”
“Auntie, it’s me, Baekhyun.”
“Oh, Baekkie, good morning. Do you want to speak to Chanyeol?”
“Yes, can I? I was supposed to call him last night but I forgot.”
“Awww honey, you just missed him. He just left.”
Baekhyun paused. Left? He looked at the time. 6: 14 AM. There’s no way he’d be out this early in the morning especially on a weekend. “I’m sorry auntie but where’d he go?”
“He went to Kyungsoo’s.”
“Kyungsoo’s?” Baekhyun crooked his eyebrows in confusion, not even sure of what he’s confused with. “I see. Thank you for telling me auntie.”
“No problem. I heard from Chanyeol that you’re going to this lake today.”
“Yes, it’s for training.”
“Is that so? Well, take care of yourself, okay?”
“Okay Auntie,” Then he hung up the phone, still confused as to why his lover is out early in the morning to meet his best friend. Sungyeol appeared beside him, almost scaring the shit out of him. “What are you doing?”
“I don’t know. You were talking so loud I had to wake up.” The latter replied while rubbing his eyes. “Why are you up so early?”
“Going to the lake, remember?”
“Oh, what time do you leave?”
“At 7,” Baekhyun replied while grabbing his toiletries to take a shower.
“I see. Well I’ll be out here, keeping an eye to the door,” Sungyeol said and then he jumped to his bed, hugging his pillow tightly.
The bus was already stuffed when he arrived, he was late, and all thanks to Sungyeol who forgot to call a plumber to fix the spoiled faucet. He was lucky enough Jongin arrived early and managed to save him a seat. Jaekyung was doing a head count outside when he slumped beside Jongin, his earphones falling to his shoulders. “Woke up late?”
“Woke up early, left the dorm late,” Baekhyun corrected while positioning himself to feel comfortable and then sighed. “Sungyeol forgot to fix the faucet.”
The male teacher who volunteered to come, Mr. Sue, hit the side of the bus twice, after the head count was done. Jaekyung was already sitting on the first seat then. The rest of the late comers came running, receiving a mild scolding from Mr. Sue before proceeding inside the bus. They were making faces to the members while walking to the back, imitating Mr. Sue’s face. Baekhyun kinda felt bad for the teacher but he himself thinks it’s funny because well, the teacher does make that kind of face matched with that kind of voice. The teacher’s body was well-built too, another reason why the other members kept on mocking him. This is the part of the life he doesn’t entirely understand. Even Jongin was joining in the mockery. It wasn’t new to him since Chanyeol used to do things like that every time but he’s grown mature to that now.
As soon as Mr. Sue was inside, the engine started and the bus started driving away from the gates of the school. Baekhyun can hear the students’ noise getting louder and would often receive a glare from Jaekyung. Mr. Sue was sleeping so he wasn’t much of a help. Anyway, they are college students inside a bus, what else would you expect?
Ugly croaking shall commence in three, two, one-
Jongin couldn’t help but laugh at his friends’ croaking. The others opened their windows and stuck their head out to a group of ladies driving a Porsche with no roof. “HEEEEEYYYY!!! SEXY LEYDEEEHHH!”
The girls pushed their sunglasses down to the bridge of their noses, turned to them-the one driving was rather badass with only one hand on the wheel, the other resting above the door-and raised their middle finger all at once. And then they slowed down so the bus drives off first. Baekhyun can’t help but praise those girls.
“Seriously guys, shut the fuck up,” Jaekyung warned from her seat, not even turning to look.
Coincidentally, another bus with a group of college students from a Co-Ed school drove beside theirs, maintaining constant speed. They were cheering for their school altogether so the assholes on Baekhyun’s bus decided to croak louder.
“MIGHTY YOU SAY? YEAH KEEP ON THINKING THAT! VIRGINITY WE SAY? NOW WHERE THE HELL IS THAT?” The jocks on Baekhyun’s bus would yell back. The girls on the other bus all gasped in unison and Baekhyun knows it’s gonna get ugly.
“OH NO THE ROOF’S ON FIRE! LOOK AT THAT, YOUR BURNING DESIRE!” Baekhyun can’t almost recover in his state of shock when the girls flashed their boobs on them and then raised their middle fingers. He looked away immediately cause it was funny and he didn’t want to offend the girls by laughing out loud.
Jongin was laughing and mumbling, “Sweet.”
All the girls and boys were now standing mixed near the windows of the other bus. “YOU MAY BE BIGGER BUT WE ARE SMARTER!”
Baekhyun saw Jaekyung walking to them, slapping some kids on the arm on the way until she arrived at the middle. “Go back to your seats, you morons.”
They groaned all in unison. “It was getting fun.”
“Fun my ass,” Jaekyung then turned to the other bus and crossed her arms. “Fucking Co-Ed schools and their useless teachers.”
Baekhyun squinted from his window, trying to look for their professor but found two of them dead sleeping somewhere at the front. He couldn’t really tell but those heads are the only one not awake so he figured. And judging from this group of people, it must be the drug. Baekhyun shook his head. Jaekyung asked the driver to drive faster so in a minute, the other bus was out of the lane. Their bus became silent then.
Baekhyun leaned his head on the back of his seat, slightly turned towards the window so he can see the scenery they pass by outside. They’re all green and brown with grasses and trees. It was beautiful. And because they left early in the morning, the sun has just risen up so he felt really peaceful watching.
He fished out his phone to check if there was anything from Chanyeol. There was nothing but he ended up re-reading his previous messages.
From: Chanyeol
Sent: 9:18 PM
Hey Mine, are you mad? :[
From: Chanyeol
Sent: 9:20 PM
Mine, I’m sorry.
From: Chanyeol
Sent: 9:31 PM
Why aren’t you replying?
I’m really sorry. :[
From: Chanyeol
Sent: 9:48 PM
Please don’t get mad. I’m sorry.
I love you.
Baekhyun sighed. They never fought before, if you don’t count childish ones, so this was pretty new. Either way, he doesn’t like what it looks like. He immediately tapped on the screen to message Chanyeol.
From: Baekhyun
Sent: 8:01 AM
Sorry Mine. I overreacted last night. It’s my fault.
We’re going to the lake now. Call me when you read this.
I love you. :]
He looked up after he sent the message and sighed.
“You had a fight?” Jongin asked beside him, slowly dropping one of his earphones.
“Not quite,” Baekhyun replied, turning to look at him. “Just a little misunderstanding.”
Jongin nodded. “Well, it’s good if you settle it immediately. You guys are away from each other so communication is going to be a big factor. Not that I’m trying to lecture you or anything since you’re obviously been in a relationship longer than I did.”
“No, you’re right.” Baekhyun smiled at him.
“I don’t mean to sound so nosy but I’m just curious. Like, how did you two manage to last up to four years?”
“You make it sound like it’s a crime,”
“No but seriously,”
“You’d think everything was just perfect but in the four years of our relationship, it was really hard. The only thing that made it easy was him.” Baekhyun exhaled deeply. “Gender issues,”
“Yeah, well, he’s always been popular. Like, really popular. But then he started following me everywhere. You don’t know how annoying that was. I feel like I have a tail or that I have two shadows. I wasn’t even gay that time-well, at least I didn’t know I was.”
“So? What happened?”
“He kept on insisting I am gay. And I just kept on telling I’m not and that his mom dropped him when he was a baby and that he was abnormal, hence his idiocy. He almost cried.” Jongin snorted, glancing at Baekhyun. When Baekhyun nodded, giving him permission, he literally laughed out loud, throwing his head back. “So yeah, turns out he did ask his mom if that was the case. The next morning, he blocked me on the door and said ‘I AM NORMAL. MY MOM DID NOT DROP ME.’”
Jongin laughed even more.
“It was really cute.” Baekhyun grinned. “After that, he said ‘Now will you go out with me?’.”
Jongin’s eyes widened.
“The teacher dismissed us afterwards.”
“Like, he really said that in front of the whole class?”
“In front of the whole class and the teacher.” Baekhyun corrected. “The girls believed he was pulling a prank. I did too. So I walked away but then he grabbed my hand and when I turned around, he was kneeling in front of me.” He continued, enunciating the italics for emphasis.
(“What are you doing?!” Baekhyun whispered loudly, though even though it was as loud as he can be, the whispers of the spectators around them were louder. He can feel every eye on them, on him.
“I said I was serious,” Chanyeol said, looking up slowly. “I like you. Go out with me.”
Even more gasps, like they multiplied ten-fold.
“Get up!” Baekhyun said in panic, getting anxious by the minute. He was kneeling down in front of Chanyeol now, trying to get the latter to stand up. “Seriously Chanyeol, this isn’t funny.”
“If I was trying to be funny, I would have brought shitloads of kneepads because kneeling hurts, you know,” Chanyeol retorted.
“If it hurts then get up!”
“I don’t want to get up! I am asking you to go out with me!”
“You want to go out? Fine, now get up so we can walk outside together.”
“You know that’s not what I meant! Are you an idiot?!”
“We both know that you know the answer to that question.”
Chanyeol groaned. “This was supposed to be romantic!”)
“I should stop there.” Baekhyun said. “I should have stopped halfway.”
“Judging from the events that lead you here, sitting beside me, talking about your once upon a time, Chanyeol got what he wanted.” Jongin mumbled, taking off his earphones. “You said there were gender issues?”
“Yeah well, he was really popular. You know what happens when a popular guy suddenly comes out of the closet. He was shunned, like suddenly all of his minions disappeared. I was shunned to but I never really liked the attention I was given or never cared, as long as I have friends, so there wasn’t much of a difference in my part. But Chanyeol…yeah, he ended up still following me everywhere because of that.”
“As a listener and stranger to this awesome man who is the subject of our discussion, I can easily tell, that his efforts are worth praising.” Jongin said dramatically. Baekhyun hit him playfully on the arm and laughed. “Then what happened?”
Baekhyun hesitated if he should continue but Jongin looked sooo interested, like a little kid with twinkling eyes, so he couldn’t resist but not tell him the rest of the story. He figured he could’ve just made up anything since Jongin would still believe him but he didn’t have the urge to. “Since he was really popular, it wasn’t long until he got his popularity back. I mean, people really liked him. He’s this…one person everybody wants to be friends with and couldn’t help but be friends with. He had several names you know. One was Adonis.”
Jongin snorted, giving an apologetic look to Baekhyun for reacting a nanosecond after Baekhyun was done with his statement. “Adonis?”
“He sported a long hair you know. And was tied to the back.”
“What a loser.” Of course he meant that as a joke.
“The girls used to yell like this,” Baekhyun cleared his throat. “ADOOOOWWWNISSSS~~!”
Jongin fell sideward, to the floor, laughing out loud while holding his stomach. Even the other members started laughing after hearing Baekhyun.
“Stahp.” Jongin murmured in between laugh.
“They called me the ‘Fairy’. For the reason I make him shine. Like, they said, whenever Chanyeol sees me, his crack just multiplies twenty folds. So yeah, they started calling me a ‘fairy’ cause they imagine me sprinkling pixie dusts on Chanyeol. Pretty stupid but it was funny.”
Baekhyun leaned forward to see what happened to Jongin since he hasn’t gotten back up on the seat yet. He saw him lying on the floor, the other members kicking his feet and telling him to get up but he ignored them and just laid there and wondering what it would feel like to be Park Chanyeol. Nobody would know, not even Baekhyun himself, because he ought to keep it on his mind. His longing for a forever like theirs. Yeah, he may have sounded gay with that but there just comes a point in your life when you will wonder what you would’ve become if someone loved you as much as you loved them.
He stood up after a few minutes when he felt Baekhyun’s hands on his’, pulling him up. He didn’t get to hear the end of Baekhyun’s story because one, he didn’t really like listening to other people’s happy endings, two, he’s freaking sleepy and tired. So, he leaned his head back, plugged in his earphones and closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to come. Baekhyun, on the other hand, would rather watch the scenery pass by him until he drifts to sleep. He liked the peace and the feeling of being alone, it was foreign, but it was good. He had never felt it before so he liked it as much as he liked riding on Chanyeol’s back and serving as a taster for Kyungsoo’s new recipes. He liked it as much as he liked snow, heat, and just lukewarm water down by the lake near his previous school. He liked it as much as he loved swimming. He liked it because Chanyeol was the opposite.
Sometimes, the opposite is just so much better.
[Part 2]