Oct 19, 2008 02:12
It's official. I know I'm irrevocably and unconditionally in love with Edward Cullen! haha. ^0^
Gawd. Being a bum is messing my love life that I'm now clinging to a fictional character. Well, the book was also partly to blame. It was so well written making me both happy and sad to have read it. Happy because of how the author made Edward so charmingly sweet and irresistible, the absolute perfect guy every girl dreams about. But at the same time, it was sad knowing that someone like him would never have existed in real life. He's entirely too prefect, too unreal. *sigh*
Oh well... if I were to conform and subject myself to all the twilight quoting happening in friendster and ym, it would be the ever famous line (aside from the lamb and the lion, of course), "do i dazzle you?" haha. It just so happens that this exact phrase clearly explains and summarizes someone's behavior over the past year. And my answer to that would be...
"I know I dazzle you!" (even if you won't admit it. haha) =D