Flow of events

Jun 10, 2008 00:20

I think it was monday.
S was a little unwell. Then more unwell. By 10 pm she was major unwell. So, to the hospital. In route the headlights on the one ton truck began randoming turning on and off. If you go down the road in a giant one ton truck with duallys, random headlights, and flashers blinking, the State Patrol notices. An excellent officer gave us a police escort to the hospital. This however did stress S abit.

Hospital was good and nice and fast. She should be all fine soon with meds and bed rest.

So, after failing to fix the wiring problem, I woke up a neighbor who picked us up after finding the hospital some time later.

L was guarding the home front and R. We were home either very late or very early.

Next moment awake was coffee and canceling appointments I carefully placed on the morning to avoid conflicts. Then came crawling under the house to change a propane line since the big tank finally has propane and the little tank ran out last night. Then to town for S meds. Return home with meds quickly. I was suppossed to go for lumber, but the one ton was at the hospital and the sink is now leaking anyway. So I still need to go to Home Depot, but there is no need for lumber and the truck is in the wrong city anyway. Throw money at Home Depot, depart with plumbing stuff. Leave little blue truck at friend's, get ride to truck at hospital. In route recieve call informing me S can't walk and R now has a 104 degree fever.(become unhappy). Bring big truck home, Inform friend we are departing in their car to different town for new immediate supply need. Return home with stuff to solve current issue. During this a wind storm destroyed one of my house tarps just before the hail storm struck. The hail turned the ground white. It was one and a half inches deep! The rain storm melted most of the hail later, but it flooded the house a bit. I retrieved the little truck from the friend's house in Paulsbo and returned home. R's fever was now 102. We sat and drank water and had a snack as the water seeped in. After getting him to drink(he refused to drink for the girls and was way low on water), I went out and gassed a running generator. I then went up on the roof and retarped it in the dark, in the rain, and yes uphill both ways. My flashlight went flying and is still on the roof in a place I will NOT go to get it. Back inside to get a toddler to drink more. Then we went to Google images to look at dump trucks and rainbows until he fell asleep after midnight.

Everyone is asleep now.

That is my day.(and I actually edited this and left out stuff)
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