Attraction: Ch 2: The Dream Couch

Jan 31, 2006 09:32

By gelfling
Standard Disclaimer Applies At All Times

::Invading thoughts::

It was the kind of funny taste that happened when someone stuck their tongue on a 9-volt battery- that 'Wow, that was kind of cool, do it again' taste.
--Yohji, A Day Without Rain, Mami-san (Weiss Kruz fanfic)

"Thou shall not kill. What the hell kind of Church man are you anyway?"
-- Vash, Trigun

"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you."

Blow on me.
--Ratbert, Dilbert, Scott Adams


“Sooo…I’m still a bit new to all this, procedure and whatnot, so how about we start by me telling you everything I want and then you can tell me what everybody else wants, and they we can just sort of see where they overlap. Sound good?”

//Good morning,// thought Sasuke. //I’m still in hell, or somewhere very close to it.//

The bed, Sasuke was disgusted to say, was complexly firm, in the intricate rich way firm beds are made not to kill the owner’s spine, but actually relax and support it better than the normal soft mattresses could. The temperature was also warm throughout the whole night, not unbearably warm, but in a building built entirely so much stone, one would expect the temperature to be freezing. And it wasn’t. Naruto really had mastered the art of pissing people off, Sasuke decided. The key wasn’t to make them uncomfortable. It was to keep them surprised.

“Yes. Go ahead.”

//And kill yourself. Jerk. Arrogant self-assured prick.//

It was the way Naruto smiled, like he knew exactly what was going on, and knew, just absolutely knew, he was going to come out on top of everything. Not a moment of doubt, not one glimpse of human failing or humility. It was irritating.

It was only somewhat gratifying to remember that Naruto’s pride had always gotten the better of him in the past. With his new attitude, Sasuke gave him a month working in day lit world, and not in the shadows anymore. He meant to see to that personally. This wasn’t his Naruto. There wasn’t a scrap of his Naruto left inside there. He didn’t…

//Nine Tails? Could Naruto…was it possible he was being controlled?//

Sasuke had spent the better part of the night thinking that thought over, that even though the smile, the eyes, even the voice and movements were his Naruto’s, there was no way Naruto’s heart could have truly been able to do all those things that had happened. Not Naruto, the kid who couldn’t even kill a rabbit. Who couldn’t even kill anyone, really, not even the monster Gaara, or Mizuki the traitor who would’ve killed Iruka. Naruto didn’t have the heart to kill anyone.

So it couldn’t have been Naruto-completely- behind the smile. It was Naruto’s body, his voice, but it had to be Nine Tail’s bloodlust that was running through it. That had to be it. Naruto had anger, but not bloodlust. He just didn’t have it. The years could change a person, yes, but not that much.

That sole thought, logic and reason paired with it, gave Sasuke hope during the night. Hope that everything still had a chance to come out clean. That no one else would have to die. That maybe Naruto was still in there, somewhere. And all it would take to get him back was to discover how Nine Tails had gained control and then take care of it. And banish Nine Tails again.


In front of him, spiked hair smoothed out of his face and his red duster and black shirt, looking immaculate and dressed up the way rock stars do, where the sloppiness and grunge and spikes is all carefully planned, was Naruto.

Nodding his head in acknowledgment, Naruto grabbed some thick folders from the floor and placed them on the table, waited until Sasuke sat down at the table close by, and started to talk. And talk, talk, talk, until Sasuke was danger of forgetting to think. He had really grown to love the sound of his own voice, it seemed.

And still wanted food. Wanted a Lot of food: trading rights, huge buys in land, farming, rice, produce, trade routes, fishing and hunting rights, the works. Naruto wanted a lot, wanted from nearly everybody, and wanted it soon. And the real surprising part was, he was willing-and even able- to pay for it all.

//How big is his organization that he needs so much?…or gang, really. Mob.//

He explained at length what his empire had to offer: Protection and other services that before only Ninja had provided, antiques, straight gold, wide-scale operations, and, Sasuke was led to believe, an army-for-hire. For what war, what reason, he didn’t even want to think about.

//A mob empire. Thugs for hire. This whole thing…Is that *it*?//

Sasuke made a point not to let a single thought show in his face or eyes, even for a second. Even though Naruto was constantly moving and leafing through papers, he barely ever took his eyes off of Sasuke.

Naruto also wanted diplomatic acknowledgement, from all other established Ninja districts, and countries themselves. And, Sasuke was, again, very surprised to find…Naruto had done his homework. He knew…things. Historical things. Facts, about other countries, that should’ve taken him years to know, things he would never, ever learn willingly. About economics. He could even guess at rice prices in Konoha and the far South, and knew what stocks he wanted to buy in. He wanted to go worldwide.

Stocks. Naruto wanted to buy stocks. //What the hell?//

This was not what Sasuke had been expecting. It was too overwhelming, too impossible, and far, far, too practical. No tribute, no threats, no apologies. Nothing demonic, nothing Naruto-ish. This is where we stand: This is what I want, this is what I have, what’ll you give me? Sasuke had been assigned this mission as a diplomat, not as a merchant…Though perhaps they were the same thing.

He felt out of his depth. This wasn’t why he had wanted to become a ninja, for cheap flowery missions like this, to listen to someone else babble while he took notes and tried to compromise everything. Being a ninja…wasn’t being a diplomat. He wasn’t trained for this.

He gave it his all.

And for Sasuke Uchiha to give one goal his all, you knew there was a lot of brainpower and sheer terrifying will going into it.

Naruto grinned for most of the day, arguing and talking.

Never once did either bring up, or even think about the past. There was no familiar banter, no cheerful insults, and nothing childish or friendly or sparking rivalry. The familiar bridge where teamwork had always connected them seemed gone. They were strangers now, doing a job.

Sasuke avoided the subject of the people murdered. Naruto didn’t ask about home.

Sasuke went to bed that night sure. That thing talking to him, looking at him…That hadn’t been Naruto. He had studied it carefully, double-checking and constantly questioning himself. It wasn’t Naruto. It was Naruto like, but it wasn’t Naruto.

And when you’ve known someone some odd years, have practically eaten and breathed the same air, and had entrusted your life to them and guarded theirs and seen them at their worst and at their best and fought their demons and watched their dreams form and fall…There is a big difference, between Naruto and Naruto like.

Sasuke slept. And dreamed.

And finally questioned: Naruto why?

//Why kill them? Why hurt so many? What happened? What do you want? What is it you want? What’ll take to get you back?//

Naruto shrugged in his adolescent carefree way, slightly bashful.

“I just wanted to get what I wanted, that’s all. Things had to happen. It’s probably not what you were expecting, but it’s why I am. Bet you thought I was lost somewhere, huh?”

“Why me? Why bring me here?”

“Ninja do the job in front of them, that they’re told. Don’t question orders Sasuke,” Naruto smiled and waved his finger childishly in front of Sasuke’s face. A spark of memory struck in Sasuke’s mind. A teacher had done that. “Now, now, that’s not what ninjas do, Sasuke-chan, remember that, if you want to become a good ninja.”

:: Like your brother. He doesn’t question orders. He’s a good boy. He does just what he’s told. He’s good boy, he’s a good son.::

Make this not be happening. Make this not be happening.

“But…Naruto…Why hurt so many? What about becoming Hokage?”

Naruto smiled apologetically at him, before gesturing grandly to their surroundings.

The walls were covered…in a sort of red material, like velvet, with tapestries and drapes tucked in at the corners, and they were sitting side by side on either end of a lush red velvet couch. It was rich and modern in a fashionable, classic sort of way. Various words flashed in Sasuke’s mind: Brothel, vampire, rouge…

He didn’t belong here. Naruto didn’t belong here. But here…felt right for now. It felt like they belonged, even though he knew they didn’t. He touched the material, and felt the cushion push back, and the velvet yield and tickle beneath his fingertips. Naruto laughed, and Sasuke looked up quickly at him, his face colder through all the bewilderment and nagging feeling that something was off…something was changed.

“Isn’t that what you wanted?” he asked again, harder, colder. Naruto shrugged from his spot on the couch, in a room Sasuke didn’t recognize, and grinned at the floor and then the corner of the room, pointedly avoiding Sasuke’s eyes and question.

“Is this for revenge, for the way you were treated?”

“Vengeance? Vengeance?” he asked, nearly laughing, stringing out the word while his mind whispered ever so imperceptibly,

:: Itachi::

Naruto snorted even as his eyes hardened and his teeth glimmered, “This has nothing to do with revenge. This is conquest,” Naruto grinned, showing unnaturally white teeth with the longest canines Sasuke had ever seen in a human mouth. “Just like I said. I will have what I want. I will not be denied.”

Disgust unlike anything Sasuke had ever known welled up in him. The sheer amount of selfness, arrogance, stupid theatrics and complete disregard for anybody or anything else, the absolute recklessness just-

He was sure Naruto could see this in his eyes, how completely un-thrilled he was, how totally revolted and disappointed with his former teammate and friend…and he didn’t care enough to hide it, not even for diplomacy sake. He didn’t care at all.

Naruto leaned over and kissed him.

Reaction training made him pull out a kunai from near his torso and hide it in his right hand in one very smooth movement before his body stiffened and blushed. His breath caught in his throat.

Naruto stroked him softly with his lips and sighed, warm breath gusting over his cheek.

//There’s illusion magic here…//

…was as far a thought as Sasuke got in before the feeling of Naruto touching and tasting his mouth so delicately, so loving, so adoring, cherishing every inch and every imperfect and lustrous fiber that made up Sasuke Uchiha, completely enveloped him. The kiss was chaste, gentle, and completely spontaneous and free. Any second he wanted, Sasuke could move away and beat the shit out of Naruto. Any second he wanted, he could have thrown the hell-spawn’s affection back in his face and laughed, could have ground his pride into dirt under his feet. Any second any time any when he wanted.

So he didn’t.

Because Naruto…Naruto…

His gasped uncertainly, his eyes snapping open (when had they shut?) in shock and slight apprehension, right hand drifting protectively behind him and under him as Naruto pushed him back gently, lovingly, worshipping his lips and skin and jaw line with his lips and small, warm kisses like miniature intricate candies and rosebuds impressing his skin with warmth and delight.

…his body was heating up and it was warm and soft all around him and he had the most excruciating, delightfully rare crunching and throbbing feeling in his abdomen and lower, until the very undersides of his arms and veins in his wrists, the sides of his neck and even the thin elastic skin in between his toes were all blushing and tingling with little electric fire dance fingers just a little harder to make it all better…

Sasuke’s breathing turned very erratic, inhaling shortly three times like a rattling railroad track to exhale smoothly once. His heart wasn’t just beating hard, it was thumping like a dryer, splattering up and down and sideways and around very erratically and the way Naruto was touching him…
…the way Naruto was touching him…
…the way Naruto…
…the way his hands were smoothly slipping him out of his shirt, fingers burning like winter’s bonfire over his bare chest, over his bare muscles, making Sasuke shiver and tremble with sheer erotic joy and excitement and a great deal of fear, slipping his left arm free, long tanned fingers cupping his left hand and squeezing it, massaging it…stroking it and Sasuke moaned pitifully into the air, eyes foggy and warm, Naruto suddenly appearing in his vision.

A shining, extraordinary portrait of Naruto, slightly tanned skin and tousled, windblown hair a deeper truer gold than all the feral brutality Nature had to offer, his eyes an indescribable pale blue nearly like milk and lapis but nothing like the ocean and impossible to duplicate with flecks of silver and purple and savagery, something lost to society and civilization forever but not forgotten. Lips that were generous and flexible yet tended towards a brimming mischief and curiosity, thin exotic stripes on the sides of his face that only seemed to scream danger and oddness and every brain cell was screaming at Sasuke to run or attack...while every instinct in his blood was screaming, begging, demanding to stay.

To surrender.

//…illusion…it’s just…//

Naruto kissed him gently on the mouth, and Sasuke tilted his head more and opened his mouth, surrendering his all to the boy before him, the boy he had known and the boy he knew now and was somehow completely sure he would be safe.

And yet it wasn’t…it wasn’t…

“Enough,” Naruto murmured gently as he took his lips away, grinning slightly like it was all something very funny, and moved back and took his hands away smiling, smiling, nearly laughing like it was all too funny and he was…he was going to leave!!!

With a growl that was sharp Sasuke pushed Naruto up and yanked the crumpled shirt off his hand, throwing it and the kunai in it to the floor before shoving Naruto backwards and roughly down, both hands free and working feverishly at the buttons in his shirt.

Flabbergasted, Naruto stared up and fought the urge to fight. He was in control, this was his home and Sasuke had no right--

With that blush painting his pale cheeks and the energy, the hunger, in his eyes…Naruto didn’t protest when Sasuke ripped off the rest of the buttons and cloth with a swipe of his hand and a snarl. He sat up roughly to crush Sasuke’s lips against his own, feeling them move and pressed and pulled and sucked and bite back at him and the Demon King moaned deep in the back of his throat.

He felt Sasuke stiffen and touch his back at the same time, while trying to yank his shirt and overcoat off. Naruto broke off, easing himself out of his shirt and overcoat as safely as he could in the least amount of time. It hit the ground with a heavy metallic thud.

Sasuke studied him, his own arms held loose at his sides; face a mix of ivory and salmon and as unreadable as ever, his eyes glowing too brightly. Sasuke had only looked at Itachi that way before, with something more than disdain, something stronger than hate, a burning intensity he reserved for only his life’s purpose.

For a moment, Naruto thought he would storm out of the room, or attack him. Instead, Sasuke only kept his disturbing glare, and, very deliberately, pulled a dagger out his side pants pocket, and gripped it loosely.

“Do you trust me?” he murmured softly.

Naruto’s eyes danced easily, eagerly, brightly with his skilled and honed power and his omnipresent grin wafting on his lips. With weapons or without, Sasuke was no real match for him, not here, not anywhere, not anymore.

“Yes,” Naruto answered easily, letting his voice pool as smooth and dark and warm as oil. Sasuke dropped the knife on the floor. He seemed less intense, more relaxed, and yet somber.

“Can I trust you?”

Naruto blinked at that, completely mirroring his younger alter ego expression in his older body. He allowed emotions to play over his face honestly for once. His face looked the exact same as when he was eleven, with the startled curiosity touched with that endearing, bizarre mix of eagerness and fear. Could he be trusted? Could a demon be trusted?

“I won’t hurt you,” he said, sounding very human. “I swear it. By my name, I won’t hurt you.”

//Strange wording…what--//

Sasuke nodded quickly before rising to his knees on the couch, hurriedly pulling at all assortments of metal and stone and other strange things, before kneeling on the couch and doing something complicated at the hemline of his pants.

Naruto smiled blankly, widely, completely stunned, completely floored into absolute disbelief for once in his very surprising and irregular life.

Sasuke had no idea how completely like a strip tease this was…and even at the frantic, rapid rate Sasuke was going…it was still very much like a strip tease.

In fact, to be pushed out of immediate attention not because of disgust but because of the sheer amount of concentration needed to undo his own pants… to watch the rare emotions of desire and intensity to play out on the solemn and solitary face…was something infinitely intriguing.

Right before everything, Sasuke seemed to suddenly remember Naruto was there. Dark eyes, nearly black yet nearly gray as well, neither blue nor brown or anything conventional…held him. Held him in the simple power and strength and focus of the owner’s soul, not trying to control him because that was impossible now, Naruto wouldn’t allow anything to control him now, just…holding him.

Sasuke slipped to the ground with the grace of a cat before the kill, all silence and slinky movements, allowed everything to fall the floor, his eyes burning Naruto in his search for his reaction, for his thoughts and emotions and intentions. Just burning him, just with his eyes, just like that.

Naruto grinned wide, his teeth flashing in the light, eyes trailing down like water, like wine, like dark chocolate over the pale ivory skin draped elegantly over muscles laid out like the finest tiles ever designed creating a whole new type of erotic mosaic, over slender hands that could shove a man’s face through the back of his skull, those angled and erotically designed shoulders and chest, covering an abdomen smooth like a model’s or statue…over Sasuke’s and Naruto’s consensual, sensual desire and treasure, darling baby mine…and finally trailing down smooth creamy thighs, straight hips and slender runner’s legs that could kick Naruto’s spine out of his skin.

And slowly, smoothly, every body part shifting and easing like smooth water without ripples or turbulence Sasuke began to walk towards Naruto.

Naruto grinned mad like a fox, and held open his arms.

Cool solitary smoothness in his eyes, in Sasuke’s eyes, that were tantalizingly bright and incandescent with his desire for Naruto washing over them and through and into him, moving slowly over to where sexual silkiness was waiting for him, worshipping him with arms wide open, eyes wide open light blue shards of bottled glass.

Sasuke walking into the demon fox's arms without a backward glance, walking into the demon's lair without a thought of fear.

Soft sighs as warm as a Caribbean breeze wafted against Naruto’s cheek as their lips met, eyes sliding closed because the feeling was just too intense, just too powerful and oily orange creamy taste sliding over his tongue and light flashing behind Naruto’s eyes, traveling down his lips to his neck. His throat was on light fire, burning painfully in ways he only felt when he was in the shower, fingers caressing over his own body because no one else would do it for him.

No one else could do it for him.

No one else, not like Sasuke could.

::Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke::

::Sweet cold alcohol well water liquor::

::Limey acid margarita rub the salt in a little more Pretty-Boy so high and tasty like I always wanted blueberry tang::

Sasuke taste exactly like everything he had ever *dreamed* and more, sweet and bitter and dark and heady, the taste sensation launching straight down to his groin with luscious peachy fire.

Shy startled *willing* gasp as naked pearly pure thighs slid over rough denim leggings not washed for three days running stained with sweat and oil and blood. Sensitive inner flesh blushing from icy white to pearly pastel pink, a huge contrast to the beaten black coarseness they were sliding over.

Slight momentary crunch in his stomach, jet black bangs tilting and swaying at the tanned fingers tracing over his skin, so warm and small feeling all his little secret spots between his ribs and in his navel and the crease of his thighs and hips. Hot spicy candied lips nibbling at the corner of his mouth, begging for entrance, begging for another taste of that cool soothing sweetness, the opposite life source to his own wildness. Touching and brushing, tongue tip dipping into the small flexible corner of his mouth with the complexity of a screwdriver.

Savage arms brushing lightly against his sides so very carefully against moon kissed sides, arms as strong as liquid mercury nestling Naruto’s neck while white lips gently told him little secrets about life and humanity and society to all the little things he never knew about a mother’s love and heartbreak, about longing and loneliness like he knew so well, about himself and Sasuke's touch and Sasuke's lips always gentle and double-edged biting and god this was going to hurt god this was going to hurt later on like hell.

Sasuke's smell of soap and sweat and salty human skin like the lining of a margarita glass, smoky blue grandfatherly tobacco, crisp cold licorice, burning cold inside his lungs. Little forks of gentle electricity filtering out of his lips, his cheek rubbing against Naruto's neck and jaw.

Tanned dirtied hands ran over the powerful white back, caressing every flushed muscle and polished vertebrae, Naruto's head tilted back to give better access to his neck, eyes closed, mouth flushed and grinning that grin of nostalgic pain and delirious ecstasy. Sasuke's tongue moving like a wet bubblegum over the slender skin of his neck, a comfortable January heater in his lap, South American humid pressure building up and rocking slowly against Naruto's naked waist, small fires of sparks and electricity popping and dying.

Quivering nauseating tick growing in the base of Sasuke's spine, little sizzles of burning bacon fat trailing down his rump, squeezing with scalding fingers and an uncomfortable feeling sneaking in between his flesh. Naruto grinned and giggled at the subsequent hard shiver like an Artic wind against his collar bone, ivory square teeth digging into his skin accidentally, the startled deer-like gasp coming out of Sasuke's mouth at the back of his neck. Chuckled laughter like cherry soda pop bubbling into his ear from Naruto's mouth.

The dampness against the demon's bare stomach, the heat and the hardness. Trembling on his thighs through his beaten jeans, nervous swaying and twitching like a stumbling dancer, knees pressing hard and shyly into his hips.

Not sure what he wanted, not sure what he needed, still so very confused after all this time. Still the perfect prodigy after all this time, androgynous asexual and untouchable; wanting and needing nothing and no one even if he was dying on the ground. Still the perfect straight man, still the perfect ninja. Moral when he wanted to be and unbending no matter what. Perfect. Always absolutely perfect.

Absolute perfection just now *finally* chipping away with every little shy and scared gasp and unobtrusive whimper, muscles gently convulsing, fingers scrabbling terrified over demon skin with lust, choked moans murdered in his throat.

Wanting and needing with every little cherry-kissed suckle on his neck, fingers dancing and exploiting untouched skin, dark drugging laughter chafing his ears and a tongue sliding over his face, his mouth an explosion of taste from Naruto's neck, Sasuke burning a little more, trembling a little harder. Not knowing but wanting so much.

Dark laughter broke against Sasuke's ear, a heartfelt kiss pressing itself to his temple while hands shoved him closer sliding across the coarse denim and cupped under him, hard and hot clutching fragile virgin white skin grinding against Naruto's cool cotton shirt that wasn't there, grinding against Naruto's warm naked flesh, yielding and hard and sickeningly excitingly warm and slightly wet, Naruto's teeth scraping over the smooth chest and muscles rippling under the flushed skin, tongue pushing at pert nipples painfully. Sasuke's fingers ripped and grappled at his hair, at his back, fumbling on his knees and whimpering in his throat and bouncing off his lips.

So willing. So willing and eager.

He rubbed his forehead like a cat against Sasuke's trembling chest, burning and ready, pushing him back a little and pulling his hips closer, pressing his knees to either side of his body and crunched flat into the back of the couch.

Sasuke's heated body so close to him, Sasuke's throbbing desire pushing into his stomach, dark eyes half closed and unfocused, easy and pliable and relaxed and trusting him, needing him...

...nearly wanting him so much.

Nearly and so much and with that thought in mind Naruto lowered his head and shoved his tongue hard right below his breast bone, biting the edge of his ribs, lips moving and swimming lazily against the heaving stomach and sucking at his skin, completely refusing the claws that were pulling on his hair, pushing his neck down, pushing his head lower and harder and deeper than this gentle wonderful teasing, stronger than the sharp careless cruel pain, needing more and wanting more and not *getting* more than this and needing more, needing so much more for such a long time.

More than just Naruto's smile and careless free laughter, his natural generosity for anything and anyone, basking nervously in his friendly chokehold while shoving him off, shoving him away.

Because Uchiha Sasuke didn't need this, didn't need any of it, not Naruto's warm wet tongue against his scalding juicy belly, tickling his navel, biting lightly into flesh that ran from him but never wanted to really escape. He didn't need Naruto's warm and solid body between his knees for him to squeeze and tremble because it felt so strange, so unreal, so impossible.

Everything about this was impossible.
Everything about Naruto was impossible.

And that was as far as Sasuke could think, that was as far as Sasuke *would* think, with the tropical lush summer fog in his mind and his throat and Naruto's hair wild and free and silkily soft and refreshingly coarse entwined with his fingers.

His thighs only touched by medical hands rubbing hard against the wild hot sides of Naruto, his back and the curve of his ass nestled roughly between his open thighs and coarse jeans, Naruto's golden dirty feisty mouth dipping and tricking along his abdomen, kissing him everywhere except where he really wanted it, except where he really needed it.

Ivory laughing teeth biting gently into the inside of his thighs without breaking the skin, the nauseous dizzy feeling that he was going to fall backwards and fall out of the golden savage Heaven his body was in if not for the arms supporting him along his back. The arms wouldn't let him fall away. Naruto would never let him fall away. Not again, not this time.

Like *hell* this time.

His thighs and knees clenched around Naruto's sides and over Naruto's back as he leaned forward more to kiss him more but never enough, never where he needed it. The edges of Sasuke's feet brushed the velvet backing of the couch while toes and the ball of his foot bumped against Naruto's bareback. He wouldn't let Naruto get away. He wouldn't let Naruto get away this time, not this time, not again.

Naruto's tongue teasing the upper inside thigh, pushing it further open with his head since his hands were holding Sasuke up and trying to keep him *down* and under control and Sasuke wasn't cooperating but Sasuke never cooperated so that was completely all right. The thought of Sasuke trying to choke him with himself, of willing running down Naruto's mouth and letting Naruto gobble and gobble and gobble him up, eat him up, was too tempting too easy and too damn hard to say no to.

Naruto decided to be kind.

He started just by paying attention to it, looking at it for once warm and hot slightly glistening moist fleshiness and moving on its own but not sweating and not leaking not yet not nearly yet.

Naruto shrugged, and pursed his lips together, blowing cool lukewarm air across it and along it like a jet stream liner confident it would be felt and confident it wouldn't do anything Sasuke wanted. He knew he was right when Sasuke started conversing in broken infant language of gasps and grunts and groans, swearing loudly in his mind and squirming like an infant or newborn kitten in his lap begging to be fed begging for attention, whimpering loud and moaning hard when Naruto brushed his lips against the side of it, not even kissing it and rubbed his cheekbone against it like a cat in strangled strokes because Sasuke was pushing his head down hard and it was a lot of work to keep the jerk from getting his way again.

Sasuke grew up rapidly from an infant to a toddler with toy trucks and rated R cusswords as he cursed and blessed everything and anyone and Naruto in particular and talked to Heaven and begged for Hell while Naruto tongued his dick in his mouth. Just played hockey and roller coaster in his mouth with his tongue and Sasuke's cock and his lips carefully covering his teeth to keep from hurting him.

Sure as a waterfall or leaky faucet Sasuke's cries grew in volume and frequency the chaos theory happily and druggily at work while in the exact same counter-rhythm his jumpy buddy twitched and jerked in Naruto's mouth, a salty slightly bitter taste like Columbian coffee mixed with sea water filtering out from the slit in the head that Naruto was ruthlessly exploiting, hearing all of Sasuke's helpless cries and needy whimpers and his name repeated over and over in all the exultations and damnations like a mantra and banner and felt like a god with Sasuke in his mouth.

A rush of blood to the head, the feeling of his sweat dripping off his body and Naruto's knees jumping unnoticed beneath his back, his body jerking and hurting and immersed in divine rivers of forgetfulness and forgiveness and bubbling waters of decadently refined champagne and rustic lusty ale.

An uncontrollable blaring white light crawling and scrabbling for a way out of his stomach, out of his body, euphorically touching and glomping every nerve cell that came close to it this building spastic wild light that Naruto had summoned inside his stomach and he knew that it was going to get out.

The feeling of crawling the feeling of climbing, the feeling of falling and the feeling of flying in his stomach in and his spine alive with light and life and snapping and cracking like a snake on a griddle. Pressure like a gun shot of exhilarating blinding white fear eradicating all other colors and needs nothing more important than the feeling of water and leaking and falling away and burning bursting like a phoenix from the flames in dirty mysticism.

Pure and gritty and white and Sasuke tried to hold on and tried to scream.

A short shout like an angel's sigh, the feeling of peaceful satisfying emptiness in the quiet dark space behind his eyes and the feeling of Naruto still sucking so hard at his cock that he was yanking his lips over his teeth so hard that they were gently bleeding. Nothing like cafe latte but more like Sasuke's base of bitter salty darkness and flavor that was nearly and nothing like ramen and tasted everything of nicotine and the color blue and dirty sophisticated gray.

Sasuke in his mouth and Sasuke down his throat and into his stomach to stay.

Keeping Sasuke close to him forever, his legs nearly choking him and his hair in tatters and shoulders and scalp scratched and wet, ears blind and throbbing with the feel of Sasuke's voice high and rough in ecstasy walking in and lounging inside his brain.

Naruto lowered Sasuke's ass cradled in one hand and lifted his head, still feeling milky sticky liquid running out of the corners of his mouth despite his efforts. Stared into pearly black darkness, lightly refined with strands of gray and charcoal silver but never tamed, never masking the darkness, the bleakness, the burning fire base instinct. Just balancing it a little, just enough to pass as normal.

Naruto had to smile, had to soften at the dazed look in Sasuke's eyes and the slackness of his mouth, the rapid flash of his throat as he breathed in the air heavy with their sweat and his seed. He lifted him up, supported him back to sitting on his lap and kissed him gently, leisurely, as carnally as he dared do with Sasuke helpless and naked and on his lap so willingly.

Naruto's hand left him while his arm supported Sasuke sitting up, and stroked himself hurriedly between his legs while his tongue roamed around the cool refreshing dark mouth and all its sweltering secrets, the skin of his wrists and the back of his hand brushing against Sasuke's dazed and humid milky skin. The feel of rough wetness bumping clumsily against his teeth and gums and lips and tongue, dancing drunkenly in his mouth. Still responding despite everything and his eyes sliding closed and trusting.

Brief sharp memories of solid fire in his mouth, bitter and burning and soft nudging the back of his throat, tasting everything of smoke. Strange and alien and exciting, nothing like what he had imagined, nothing like he fantasized or felt. Vulnerable and trusting, the sheer weight of the responsibility heaving up in front of his face finally, finally seeing how much Sasuke truly trusted him.

Still tasting the bitter mocha chocolate, spicy and bitter and salty mixed with the dual cool savor of cellar cold vintage wine, sweet and biting the back of his throat. Still feeling the vulnerable organ held between his lips, only now sweating from the fear.

He came with a whimper in Sasuke's mouth, and, very gently, laid him down on the sofa where he closed his eyes and Sasuke fell asleep, Naruto smiling down at him sadly as he closed his eyes.

A/N: I really like this chapter. There is a picture by the very clever Felis-san @ that depicts one of the milder scenes. It’s really cool.

sasunaru, attraction

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