
Mar 12, 2007 23:43

With two blue and two purple pastel sticks and a swag of watercolor pencils, I've managed a face-up on my Pepe. I really really missed acrylic paints for the lips but I was too cheap to lash out on a tube of blue and/or purple for this one face-up. I'm starting to nail Helene's pastel plus eraser eyebrow shaping method. No eyelashes as yet, and I'm not sure about those 14mm dark grey eyes she came with. I have a pair of purple eyes on order, still 14mm although I considered 12mm also.

Oh yeah, I sanded and coated her as well, and she was much easier to do than Tomoyo. Whether I have more experience now or whether it was due to the quality or consistency of the resin or the more careful molding on the Bambicrony doll I can't say. I imagine it was a combination of factors.

I have also decided to style the black and purple Monique Trix wig I have laying about into braids and curls. I've discovered that these wigs have a certain amount of short hair hidden beneath the long to add bulk. And plaited, this looks very messy. So I've been going through the part of the wig I need to braid and trimming away all that short hair. Laborious to say the least. I'll try curling with cotton reels and bobby pins, and boiled water cooled for five minutes. Pics will come, as will verdicts!


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