Jul 23, 2010 09:43
It's been a long-long time since I've posted on these pages. I wouldn't say I had no time - it's the lack of motief I suppose.
No worries, though; I kept my Hungarian blog fresh and posted, and maybe friendly sometimes.
Some interesting news are breaking through, which are worth to mention: My band is working on our first issue (entitled Footsteps until it's going to be changed), and the first song's corpus has been worked out.
Which means if I will be in the mood of uploading (which is very rare nowadays), you'll be able to listen to them! :D
Three Cheers For Professionalism and Heroic Stuff, I dare say.
Heroic entrée is next, but not now. I woke up at 6 am, and have boiled my mind on Summer Sunshine.