Title: So they must depart
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Cadman/Lorne
Prompt: #076 Who?
Word Count: 1.441
Rating: K+
Summary: Laura Cadman is getting married... really?
Author's Notes: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you now... Amy MacDonald Theme Month. Which basically means that I had a little challenge with myself going on to see if I could write
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Comments 15
In fact… he has sat down on one of the benches in front of it, his head in his hands, looking utterly forlorn… -This part killed me!
I guess she might end up with Lorne. Who better as a husband than your best male friend? (if you're a bit boyish like her) And... Carson is too 'soft' for her.
Einmal wie es wäre wenn sie sich für Lorne entscheidet und einmal falls sie sich für Beckett entscheidet? Du könntest die beiden Stücke getrennt von deinem Prompt Table hier in dein LJ eintragen?
Oder wie Du schon sagst, offen lassen... wobei es dich dann immer noch in deinen Fingern jucken wird.
And squee that you got to rec Lorne and John/Teyla friendship this month :D I always enjoy your recs and I still have some of your February recs on the "to read" list ;)
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