Just a quick "I'm still alive" post.

Feb 12, 2019 00:11

Yes, there are a few posts in the pipeline (reading statistics for 2018, a new cookbook challenge post, January reading round-up, maybe something about bullet journaling, a "goals for 2019" post, that kind of thing), but I just wanted to give you a heads-up that I'm still here and still reading your postings.

Also... something I just felt like talking about very short and real quick: the trailer for George Clooney's Catch-22 mini-series. I read Heller's book when I was in basic training (yes, the military kind) and I swear to God, never in my life has a book suited the place where I was at that time in my life as well as that book. This book is full of the idiosynchrasies and idiocies and big and small indignities of military life, and never have I felt more understood by a book in that exact moment when I needed it. So Clooney had better not screwed this up.

Also, Kyle Chandler in a rumpled US Army Air Corps with that damn cover slightly askew is so damn hot, I might not be able to watch this shit without fainting at least once. Yes, I damn fucking just love a man in uniform, sue me.

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fandom: misc tv, vid of the week, obsession of the week, random, fannish stuff

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