'Tis the season!

Nov 27, 2017 22:19

To accordingly customize headers, themes and avatars, write holiday fic (I noticed with a slight panic that I managed to finish my sga_secretsanta fic way ahead of schedule this year but have exactly no idea for the annual Protect and  Survive/Minor Characters holiday fic yet. But yay, finished the Secret Santa story and do not have to drop out \o/) and get into a new round of "HOW IS THIS YEAR ALMOST OVER ALREADY?" panic. I already visited a Christmas market on the weekend (before Totensonntag, which, honestly, is a cardinal sin. Bad me. Bad me!) and managed to get a little into the spirit of the season but another rejection letter and zero new applications to show for my employment agency appointment in two weeks did put a damper on it pretty fast.

So yeah, this holiday season will probably mainly be filled with writing job applications and trying to convince myself that I am not a total failure for still not having found a job after over a year after graduation *sighs

Other than that, I made a new attempt to get into crocheting, trying my hand at this little guy with the help of my sister because otherwise, I am hopeless at reading crocheting instructions, especially in English. It's been coming along nicely after making an idiot of myself a couple times but yeah, since my sister doesn't live here and we were too busy doing other stuff when I visited her over the weekend, I'm a little stuck. But I like this project enough to persevere, even if it's going to take me a lot longer than it should to finish it.

So yeah. Seasonal spirit is a little hard to come by at the moment but I'll endeavour to get better (because the holiday season is always over too soon, and I always regret when I take so long to get into the spirit). What about you? Any of you already in the mood?

arts & crafts, regular day at the office, happy holidays, fannish stuff

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