Bye, bye Britain.

Mar 29, 2017 20:50

We shall miss you.

And I actually mean that. I'm still bitter about the referendum result but mostly I'm just sad that it really had to come to this. I also don't get why May apparently has such a hankering for a hard Brexit. Is she really that afraid of a racist minority who thought Brexit would "get them back their country from those damn foreigners" that she would sacrifice Britain's access to the EU market so she wouldn't have to take the freedom of movement that is part and parcel of access to the market? What's going on with that?

Also, Labour's grassroots hope Jeremy Corbyn (whom I personally can't stand. But I find the Guardian's crusade against him highly entertaining) has been weirdly silent (other than the obligatory reply to Theresa May in the House of Commons today, I mean), hasn't he? (then again, Jerry's never been big on the EU, hasn't he? Which, I do believe, had a part in Labour's current state of affairs. Like, Labour's been in constant crisis ever since the Blair years but Corbyn didn't exactly help solving it, did he?)

Anyway, I'll be truly sad to see Britain and the British go, but I refuse to believe that all is lost now. They've got two years to negotiate and a lot can happen in two years. I refuse to believe that in those two years, only bad things can happen. Instead, I'll keep up what I've been believing a long time now: it's only the end when it's all good. And as long as it isn't all good, it's not the end.

I will continue to be pissed off at Leavers who keep saying that "nobody ever told them it would become this bad", because fuck, yes, everyone told them. Everyone who had only a smidgen of expertise in the area told them exactly how bad it would be, and yet they chose to go with Michael Gove and "no more experts!" Same with Trumpeters, by the way. "No one said he'd be lying and cheating and being in league with the Russians and destroying our health care and deporting our friends and family and destroying our environment!" Everyone did. Everyone who had two brain cells to rub together told you so. Now go lie in that bed you made and keep forever apologizing to everyone you dragged down with you.

crazy hazy hue, communist nazis, what i don't even, politics, parallel universe

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