The leaves are falling, stuff is happening.

Sep 01, 2016 13:45

Or they're supposed to be falling soon, anyway (right now, every damn radio show host in the country is "rejoicing" in the fact that "summer is not over yet" and that "we finally get some nice heat", which is bullshit because unless you have spent the last eight weeks in the north of Greenland, summer has once again been too warm (statistically) and we already had a lot of "nice heat"). Can't wait for that, honestly.

Aside from that, I turned in my thesis yesterday. Like, for real. I printed it on Tuesday and sent it away yesterday and now it's gone and I'm pretty sure I overlooked a million mistakes (I overlooked the wrong ZIP code on the front page so it's highly likely that I overlooked a lot of other stuff) but man, it's finally off to the Prüfungsamt (registrar's office, LEO say) and now all I can do is wait and see what my advisor and second referee can make of it. I'm not really happy with it but honestly, at this point I'm just glad it's done at all. I'm hoping that thesis defense will happen before the end of September so I can get it over with, too but yeah, depends on my advisor and second referee.

I've also been steadily running for thirty minutes three times a week for a month or so now, so obviously, the NHS's Couch to 5k thingy worked for me. I swear to God, I have never before been able to run more than ten minutes at a stretch so this thirty minute thing is huge. I'm currently working on getting faster, bit by bit (because right now, I'd be faster if I walked that distance) and I hope I can keep up that routine even though I don't have my thesis writing routine (get up, run (if it's a running day), shower, do the dishes, library, get back home, lather, rinse, repeat) anymore. I'm in a kind of limbo right now. Done with one task, not sure what's the next so I decided to give myself a little break from academia and work on my contribution to this year's sgareversebang and/or play some Sims (once I managed to get the base game and all add-ons I have here on my laptop...), maybe do some writing if fance strikes me for the rest of week and get back in the game next week by preparing the presentation I'm supposed to give for the thesis defense, get back into job hunting and also work on tying up lose ends in my studies (i.e. finally get that last seminar check. As long as I don't get it, I won't get my diploma, meaning as long as I don't get it, I can't graduate. I've been hanging around too long in this program to have any patience left for that kind of shit).

In the Dad situation, things are progressing very slowly. He came home from the hospital errr two weeks ago and his leg still looks somewhat gruesome but he's getting back on his feet. Staying out of bed longer each day, ordering Mom and me around, getting antsy for the construction crew to get done with the elevator, that kind of thing. Looks better every day but yeah, the whole thing left Mom and me a little wary. Also reminded me of why I need to find a job and move out. Of course Mom likes to remind me that it was a good thing that I was around, too and she wasn't alone but honestly, I can't keep doing this for another six years. I really need my own space where I can close my door, plug out my phone and put up my feet to be alone, if I feel so inclined.

What's on for you, guys? Any interesting stuff happening? :D

just thesis things, weather, run girl run, fannish stuff, family affairs

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