Okay, here's how it works.

Jan 13, 2015 13:13

Even though I still didn't manage to fill all my Holiday Fic Request meme prompts, I'm trying to steadily work on them. But since I really do like order in my things and in my blog, I'm backdating them to the date the were requested for which means they won't necessarily show up in your flists when I post them. Therefore, I'll make an extra post that's up to date with a little hint what has been been posted whenever I finish a prompt. We start with the following:

December 24 - apinkpanthress, HALO, Sarah Palmer, Christmas on the Infinity

I also have two more finished posts in the buffer that I will post as soon as our internet connection is back up at home. I hope I'm getting them all done in the first half of this year but seeing as I need to pour all my energies into finally getting that degree until March, I can't make any promises. But I have not, and will not, forget any of your requests. I do promise that.

fannish stuff, holiday fic hysteria

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