Fic: Combined Arms: Every Now and Then (We’re Actually Pretty Fine) (Stargate/Army Wives)

Dec 03, 2013 22:33

Title: Every Now and Then (We’re Actually Pretty Fine)
Fandom: Stargate/Army Wives
Rating: K+
Genres: gen, humor
Recipient: hanseatic_keks
Prompt: Army Wives/SGA, Chase Moran, the Moran kids, John Sheppard
Summary: If there is one thing Chase Moran doesn't like about Atlantis, it's that there's literally no way to find your kids if they don't want you to.
A/N: Holiday Fic Request Meme. Oh, hey, it's been two years since I wrote in this 'verse and look who's back, after I made sure to kill him off... Anyway, I hope you like it :)

( This Gun's For Hire )

( Been a Bad Day )

Every Now and Then (We’re Actually Pretty Fine)
„Aff un zo läuf alles super,
aff un zo ess mer dä Loser,
aff un zo steht mer sich selvs em Wääsch.
Aff un zo deit dir ding Seel wieh.
Aff un zo hätt mer janz einfach keine Plan mieh,
aff un zo jeht et uns janit schlääsch.“

BAP, „Aff un Zo“

“Alright, everyone, that’s it for today. And remember, tomorrow night is this month’s big bake off, Athosian ingredients only special night. The life sciences department expects participants from all other departments and no, it’s not a secret social experiment like last month, they’re swearing it on their pretty floral bonnets. Take care, folks, Moran out.”

He smiles, still loving it to hear his wife over the air waves every single day, even after a year and a half of this crazy city. And, if he’s honest, Pam’s radio show isn’t the only thing he still likes about this city. His team leader, for one thing, did turn out to be exceptional, even for a Marine (never “for a woman” because Pam would skewer him alive if she ever saw him thinking it, and possible half the rest of the female population in this city, too). Evan Lorne is a good CO, Air Force or not and for a civilian, Colonel Carter’s replacement Richard Woolsey isn’t so bad, either.

There’s only one thing that drives both Pam and him nuts and it’s that the kids seem to see this city as a kind of huge playground. Katie especially because she has the gene that still freaks him out sometimes and literally everything lights up when she enters a room - once or twice, Pam and he had to forcefully remind the scientists that their daughter is not a glorified fucking light switch - but Lucas is giving them his share of grief, as well.

Not that they’re badly behaved per se but a year and a half away from the rather rigid discipline of an Army post have done wonders for their curiosity and ressourcefulness and Pam and he still have trouble deciding whether that’s a good thing or not.

Right now… it’s definitely a bad thing because Jesus fucking Christ where are those damn kids when you need to find them for their mandatory annual physical? And of course, the city isn’t exactly helpful, either. They showed him how to work the life signs detector of course, like they did for every newbie but whatever Katie told the city to do, it obeyed her and their life signs don’t show up anywhere. Didn’t they tell their kids not to do that, ever? Seriously…

“Looking for something, Sergeant?” Oh. Retired and not supposed to be still alive Colonel John Sheppard. Not the person he’d expected.

He narrows his eyes. Even six months after the man all the old hands seemed to worship had turned up unexpectedly on an abandoned planet and after half a week of medical tests, Jennifer Keller, their COM had declared him to be the genuine article and everyone started worshipping the ground he walks on again, including Lorne.

Especially Lorne, to be honest.

But then again, apparently he used to be the man’s file rat, err second in command for a couple years and well, apparently Lorne thinks he owes a lot of the things he is today - a colonel, the commander of the military contingent in the Pegasus galaxy, husband of Laura Lorne - to Sheppard so it’s probably not that much of a surprise that he’d actually be relieved that they managed to find a guy that was supposed to be dead for two and a half years, after all.

So. He rubs his neck. “Yeah, well, you don’t happen to have seen my kids? You know, girl and boy, thirteen and eleven…”

“Those two, per chance?” Huh, what… oh. Oh Jesus fucking Christ, it’s actually Katie and Lucas, sitting in the common room Sheppard just vacated, standing on a Twister board on all fours and what the fuck is going on here?

“Uh, sir, what exactly…”

“It’s John.” Huh? “Just John. I ceased to be sir two and a half years ago.” Right. Not a military officer anymore. Actually, not even a personnel record anymore because it was closed two and a half years ago and never re-opened, seeing as everyone unanimously agreed on “letting sleeping dogs lie” and sort of “neglected” to tell Earth that hey, surprise, the black sheep of the Air Force is still alive.

He clears his throat, not sure how to deal with this. “Right, uh, John. So about my kids…”

“Oh, yeah, right. Hey, guys, your father’s here to pick you up. You maybe wanna go with him or something?” That’s not really how he’d have said it - especially the drawl and the slight sarcastic undertone - but uh, at least Sheppard acknowledged him?

His kids, though, don’t seem to be overly enthusiastic to accompany him to the infirmary. “Aw, Colonel John, we’re in the middle of the game.” Yeah, well, he actually gets that they aren’t in a mood to let Keller’s minions stab needles in their arms but Pam will make him sleep on the couch if they miss that appointment again and he’s not found of that couch, at all.

He rolls his eyes and positions himself in the doorway. “Yeah, I can see that and you can go back to it as soon we’re done with the physical.”

Behind him, he can hear Sheppard chuckle and for a moment he’s tempted to whip around and ask him if he ever intends to have kids because if he keeps that up, he sure as hell isn’t. Seriously. Retired Air Force laughing about him, what the fuck.

“Can we at least finish the game, Dad? We don’t have to be at the infirmary for two more hours.” Dammit, sometimes Katie’s too smart for both Pam and him together and the only reason they didn’t send her back to Earth for finishing high school at a boarding school in upstate New York preferred by Atlantis personnel was that she’d be bored to tears there after approximately two and a half months and a bored Katie equals an unhappy Katie and an unhappy Katie… well.

And of course Lucas isn’t very helpful either, adding, “You always say we have to finish everything we start, Dad.”

Jesus fucking Christ, at least neither Lorne nor the other Lorne are here at the moment because his team leader would have a field day and the contingent’s CO would just join her in her amusement. Just another downside to a civilian led post: COs aren’t gonna reprimand you for misbehaving children, COs are gonna laugh their asses off when you try to discipline them, at least if the misbehavior doesn’t include getting anyone in danger of getting hurt or killed or worse.

Anyway… “Kid’s got you there, Sergeant.” Yeah, well, not helpful, Retired Air Force.

Now he does turn around to level his best Delta team leader on Sheppard but the guy’s grin just gets bigger and doesn’t even vanish when he says, “Why are they in there, anyway?” in a tone suggesting torture and other not so nice things if Sheppard goes on criticizing his parenting.

Sheppard, though, just shrugs. “Found them messing around in one of the unexplored levels when your daughter was beating the crap out of your son at playing hide and seek. She’s got a killer strength gene, that one.”

Oh yeah, don’t remind him. When they’d come here, she’d just entered the age in which hide and seek is starting to become very uncool but apparently, it gains a lot of appeal when you have an entire city as your ally and there is literally nowhere that your brother, who’s still stupid enough to think he will beat you one day can hide from you. He just wishes they’d stop going into the unexplored - and fucking dangerous - levels of the city. He actually sighs. “Yeah, don’t mention it around her. She’ll just go on reminding all of us how this city wouldn’t work without people without her and all that crap that she’s been hearing around the natural gene carriers these days.”

“It’s true, you know.” Uh, what? “The thing about all of you being fucked without the gene carriers. Take it from one of the very first to get here.” Oh just fucking great. Not only are his daughter and his CO natural gene carriers, the guy the old hands worship the crap out of is, too. “But don’t tell her I said that.”

And he’s such a damn nice guy, too.

“Hey, how about someone turns the damn err the hand of the color thingy?” Ah, ah, Katie, that’s not how your momma raised you. “Err, please. How about someone turns the color thingy hand, please?”

Well, at least one of his looks is still working on her, even though she just became a teenager a few weeks ago. He’ll enjoy it while it lasts.

“So, Sergeant…” Yes? “What do you say?” To what? “Do you have what it takes to show those two beginners how it really works?”

Is that a fucking challenge?

Oh hell yeah it is and if there’s one thing he could never turn down, it’s a challenge and he’ll be damned if he lets Retired Air Force get away with that. And anyway, they still have two hours to go. Plenty enough to show Sheppard how this is done. He crosses his arm in front of his chest. “Hell yeah, I do. Let’s get this cleared up, John.”

Next to him, Sheppard grins and he realizes he probably just stepped over a booby trap but what the hell, he’s not gonna let Air Force and retired at that showing him up, in front of his fucking kids and so he steps into the room, growling, “Get off that mat and let a pro handle this, kids. This just became a question of honor.”

The squeals of delight he gets from both of his kids are just the icing on the cake to feeling the call of a challenge ring through his veins and hey, maybe this could even be a team thing during their next team evening… anyway, he’s got a Twister game to win and by God he will. And if it takes a night on that horrible couch, he will win this. Oh yes.


"Every now and then, everything goes great
Every now and then, you’re the loser
Every now and then, you’re standing in your own way
Every now and then, you’re just lost
Every now and then, we’re actually pretty fine."

BAP, “Every Now and Then”

fandom: stargate, crossover: combined arms, fandom: army wives, fannish stuff, holiday fic hysteria

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