Is it just me or did that video piss off someone else, as well?

Sep 27, 2013 13:42

So I saw this “Dear JJ Abrams, how to make Star Wars great again” video and it kinda pissed me off. Don’t get me wrong, I’m also looking forward to the new Star Wars movie (but it has to have Jaina in it. If it happens without Jaina, it happens without me) and am also anxious about it (I actually like the EU canon and I’m writing my fic in that canon and I might have to cry really, really hard if that canon is erased) but seriously, those “rules”? They’re more like preferences and it would be great if they’d be called thus, instead of “rules”.


Because not everyone agrees on them wholeheartedly. Some of us actually liked that the prequels took us away from the frontier now and then and showed the inner workings of a government for hundreds of thousands of planets and billions of beings. Some of us think that yes, Star Wars also does happen in cities and parliaments and that it actually profitted from the development it saw in the prequels. I’m neither a fan of Phantom Menace nor am I a fan of Anakin Skywalker. But I am a fan of diversity, both in characters and settings and the prequels gave us so many, many wonderful new characters and settings.

I loved the Jedi library and the younglings (even if you’re the stereotypical male, single, childless Star Wars fan, you gotta admit that a world without children is stupid and unrealistic) and I was awed by the Galactic Senate and I would have loved to see more of the Coruscant Opera House and all those awesome costumes and the Mon Calamari on the stage.

If you think that Star Wars must take place on the frontier and should never take place on a Core World or in an urban setting and should never show anything else than people shooting at each other in space or otherwise… you’re doing it wrong. You just want to go back into your childhood and your mind never managed to expand beyond that scope and you’re unable to realize the potential of such a universe as Star Wars. You’re still stuck in 1977 and for that, I pity you. But please don’t go around imposing your “rules” on the rest of us.

Don’t make it look as if your way should be the way to film Star Wars because newsflash, there’s more than one way for Star Wars to be Star Wars. Stop with your entitlement and realize that your kind of Star Wars fan isn’t the only one. Everything else will just make you look like a kid from the 70s that never made it into the 21st century.

fandom: star wars, what i don't even, mega meta disaster

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