So, there's going to be a start of semester bash for the students of my Masters program in Potsdam today and I volunteered for baking. I'd wanted to do tart but then I realized I needed to plan time for the dough in the fridge and decided to go for (mini) muffins from Cynthia Barcomi's new book,
Let's Bake, because Cynthia is a fucking baking goddess.
I tried chocolate orange muffins and they're delicious (even though they could be more orang-y but the melted chocolate makes it all better). So have a couple pictures (and a recipe in another post, if anyone wants it):
(That little penguin in the left upper corner is a kitchen timer. He's my best friend. Together with the electronic scales I bought a couple months ago. I will never have too live without either of them, ever again.)
Also, totally unrelated, I finished another HALO fic last night that I will hopefully get to post tonight and that will hopefully get me back into writing so I can finish all those other projects...