Fic: Not in Kansas Anymore (11/23) (Stargate/Star Wars)

Feb 22, 2013 01:36

Title: Not in Kansas Anymore (11/23)
Fandom: Stargate/Star Wars
Rating: M
Genres: crossover, romance
When Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne woke up in a storage room, they never thought it would be in a galaxy far, far away. And now they need to find a way back home, past Special Operations agents and stormtroopers, between the fronts in a war they thought they knew (from television, mind you). But no one ever said it would be easy.
A/N: I can't believe I haven't been posting any chapters since *mumbles months. So... have a new one (and the honest promise to try to get back to posting more regularly). Also, let's see if I can finally post this at some Star Wars archive or other... Also, am still promoting yappichick's fanart!

PS.: Is there anyone who actually likes that new editor? Because I'd just bet there isn't even one person on this whole wide website who does...

( Not in Kansas Anymore 1/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 2/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 3/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 4/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 5/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 6/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 7/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 8/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 9/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 10/23 )

“Alright, it might be probable that most of what you told me isn’t as much bantha shit as I thought.” Well, there have been weirder ways people started a conversation off than that but it definitely ranks in the top ten. So it’s not that impossible that his first reaction is to blink and then stare at the trooper officer in front of him for a moment.

The next one is saying, “So I hope that you won’t shoot me or otherwise kill me for the time being.”

There’s… wait, is that a grin tugging at the corners of that guy’s mouth? He’s almost convinced that this guys is actually human. Huh. “We’ll see about that. Don’t burn my ass, and you might yet get to see that Lieutenant of yours again.”

Resisting a slightly exasperated sigh, he simply nods and tries to get a grip on himself again. When Captain Sandwalker got back to him after a couple of hours of sitting around in his windowless quarters and wondering if the next guy knocking at his door would be one of Sandwalker’s troops to lead him to the execution squad, the first thing he’d told him they’ve got twenty minutes because he managed to feed some of the footage they already filmed back into the CCTV system. Then he’d started off with the aforementioned phrase and that’s where they are now. Back to the death threats. Oh, well.

He’s got some more pressing questions anyway. “Any idea how I’m going to accomplish that?”

“You won’t.” Oh, thank you, he can’t help thinking and wanting to say but the trooper surprises him. “At least not alone. You’d be dead faster than you can spell Emperor’s black bones. You’ll need reinforcements.” At that, he can only raise his eyebrows and thankfully, that’s enough to make the trooper continue. “I’ll come with you.”

Uh… what? “You will?” is the only thing he can utter and damn it, that makes the Sandwalker almost grin again.

“Yeah. My contact told me your Lieutenant arrived safely on a Rebel ship. And since they couldn’t get me out of here and probably won’t be able to do so for quite a while and the ground is starting to get too hot for me to lay low, we will have to get out of here on our own.” Right. That totally sounds like a cake walk.

And there’s something… something he just needs to know for sure and he just doesn’t even know why. “How reliable is that info on Lieutenant Cadman?”

For a moment, it weirdly looks as if Sandwalker might go for his throat but then he seems to have forced himself to relax. “Very. I got it from the co-pilot who evacuated the squad that got her.” He’s this close to asking the trooper if he trusts that pilot but… thinks better of it when he seems Sandwalker’s eyes narrow slightly at him… and there’s a sudden wave of fierce… something that he chooses not to think about, too.

But… actually the weirdest thing in all of this is how glad it just made him to hear that Cadman made it out of here obviously unscathed and despite knowing it’s probably fruitless, he still hopes she’ll just stay put on that ship until he arrived there, too. “So… how are we gonna get there, too?”

Sandwalker’s face turns into a frown. And somehow, he really doesn’t like that look. “I’ve got an idea but I need to figure out the details first.” Oh, right, that’s the best plan he ever heard… not. However, he’s slowly starting to settle in this reality and it’s starting to get easier to concentrate on the issue at hand again so he can reign in that temper that got the better of him before so Sandwalker continues uninterrupted, “In the meantime, you’ll be subject to a little chat with Davikoff and this time his lap nek Captain Warrayan, too in three hours. Two of my men will be your escort there so don’t try anything stupid. If my escape attempt gets spoiled a second time because of you, you’re sarlacc fodder. Got me?”

Okay, and having started to get settled in this reality also means starting to realize that he’s getting bossed around by a goddamn Captain… but, yeah. Issues at hand. He can get pissed off again later. “Yeah, loud and clear. Any more advice?”

Well… that even sounded half-genuine and a lot less scathing than his last couple of remarks. It’s nice to know that he’s slowly getting back to his usual self. Also, Sandwalker seems to have done some settling himself because his reply… is not one of his usual death threats. “Don’t underestimate them. They’re generally idiots but even a blind wombat finds a sandworm once in a while.”

Alright. That was actually… helpful. Huh. “Okay. Anything else?”

“I’ll be the trooper escorting you back here. Look out for two fingers on the trigger of the rifle when you get picked up again. If you don’t see that… chances are, it’s not me escorting you back and you being in even deeper shit than before. Everything clear now?” That didn’t really inspire confidence now but then again he’s worked with Sheppard for over a year now and this really isn’t any crazier than the average Sheppard plan. He shakes his head. “Very well. Try to get some rest. Davikoff and Warrayan together aren’t even stomacheable on a bottle of the seediest stuff from a Mos Eisley backyard bar. You’ve got my sympathies.”

Somehow… he’s pretty sure that that was meant absolutely honest and… that more than anything confirms to him that he’s in for an ugly ride now until he can get out of here. It also somehow makes it clear to him that his fate is currently solely depending on a trooper obviously bent on deserting and more luck than he ever needed in his life before, and that includes his first year with Sheppard. “You really know how to inspire confidence in your troops, don’t you?”

“Well, don’t you, Major Lorne?” Very funny, he wants to answer but apparently, Sandwalker has decided that their little coffee klatsch is over. “Anyway, like I said, try to get some shuteye. You’re gonna need it.” Yeah, he’s pretty sure about that, too. So he simply nods when Sandwalker takes his leave and then actually heeds the trooper’s advice and kind of heavily sits down on the bed, leaning against the wall in his back with his eyes closed. Good God. But at least… at least Cadman’s safe and somehow that… makes everything a little better.

fandom: stargate, fandom: star wars, crossover: not in kansas anymore, big bang big frenzy, fannish stuff

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