So, Last Resort is back in the Land of Awesome, huh? (spoilers, as always)

Nov 22, 2012 00:53

Somehow, last week's episode felt so blah to me that I didn't even remember to blog about it. I'm pretty sure it was actually really exciting and everything but for the life of me I just couldn't get enthusiastic about it. I guess I was still so... flashed by Skeleton Crew that I just had a feeling, nothing could compare with it so far.

I was wrong.

Because Nuke it Out was just so good.

Granted, it did suffer a little from the pilot syndrom of wanting too much for 45 minutes but then again, there was so much awesome so that kind of balanced it out. As probably everyone will have realized by now, I'm a die hard King/Grace shipper and that episode... guys, that episode *squees in tones only audible to dogs From the "You were always the first to raise your hand in class." to King calling her Grace (guys, that was just so... mememememe *squees a little more) and oh God, beach sex. One time thing my fucking ass. They want each other like whoa. And King saying "always wanted to know what that looks like" in contrast to telling Tani he likes her hair up and Tani telling him guys always think girls with their hair down are free spirits... there's so much sweet, sweet meta behind this!

I'm not sure, though, whom I pity more. King or Tani, because from the way he left after she turned around it's clear that there's remorse and guilt and - but this is really just speculation on my part - the realization that there was more behind that "one time thing" than just mutual want and need to let some steam off. And that maybe he doesn't want someone who's good for him, after all. God, I can't wait for the next episode and I really, really hope that this isn't the last we've seen of this. Also, I'm still hoping we're going to see some other purpose for Tani than just King's love interest :S

As for the rest: Chaplin is still stunning, scary and awesome, all roled into one (telling Serrat that he'll be judge, jury and executioner was... beyond words. Chaplin, Chaplin, where are you going?) and I love how Sam is being more kick ass with every episode. Also, that little scene where he finds out he kissed Sophie during the drug thing? Heart breaking. So short and so heart breaking. I honestly can't imagine how to solve this thing without hurting someone (there probably isn't. Someone is going to get really hurt, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were Sam in the end.). I really don't want anyone get hurt because I like Sam, Sophie and Christine all well enough to think they all deserve a happy end.

Speaking of Christine and Kylie... guys, I love this. Two women bonding together to bring down an evil president (or is it Curry Booth meant with "a man who wants to be emperor"?) is just... oh, okay, actually, they're bonding together to save a husband and a priceless technology, respectively but it does amount to the same thing, doesn't it? And anyway, they make awesome partners in crime and I want to see more of that! Go Christine and Kylie!

Cortez, though... aw, shit, Cortez. Why, why, why? But then again, I just can't bring myself to hating her. And I wonder, when she went to Chaplin, did she mean that she's with him? And did he already know that she's the sleeper agent? Did he just tell her not to seek him out alone because he wanted to avoid any appearance of impropriety or fraternization or did he tell her that because he knew she's the sleeper and doesn't want her to endanger herself (she has to know that if he's forced to make the sleeper agent public, he can't go easy on her, right?)? Question, questions, questions...

And Prosser :S On that boat, everyone has their little secrets, don't they? Suddenly, I feel sorry for him and I just can't help hating Serrat and not in that love to hate him kind of hate. And I keep wondering... shouldn't they, like, take precautions against the crew being taken hostage frequently by Serrat? That's gotta be the third or fourth abduction in seven episodes. Please someone tell me they'll grow a brain and not let Serrat take advantage of them ever again.

But! Sam telling jokes to the crew! Army vs. Navy! Love those little things! They can totally keep up doing that kind of thing because it's just so awww and it kind of makes one feel at home (though old allegiances and the fact that I really like to root for the underdog keep me cheering for Army every year...). That was just awesome :D

Did anyone hear that they're tweaking the finale to give fans closure because of the cancelation? I'm really starting to wonder what that closure will entail. I have a few ideas but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out completely different. Any speculations on your part?

reading, fannish stuff, fandom: last resort

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