Heh, idea! For birthdays!

Jan 11, 2012 18:26

First of all! Happy birthday to anuna_81! And happy belated birthday to keylafirefly!

Second: a little twitter conversation with anuna_81 about birthday fics (I was a little sad LJ reminded me too early of her birthday - yes, I'm the woman with the second worst memory in the world - and told her I might have written fic if I'd remembered earlier and she told me I can still write it if I want) gave me the idea that I might offer this to everyone on the flist.

So, guys, if you want fic for your birthday, please leave a comment (comments are screened, in case anyone doesn't want to make it public) and a wish for this post and ye shall reap fic for your birthday because I have a mighty Google calendar to remind me of such things. And yes, mackenziesmomma and sgteam14283, for birthday fics, crack* is okay.

*Crack, a definition thereof: everything I need to do extensive thinking about to make it plausible. Plausibility and I are very good friends. Do not take plausibility away from me. I can try to write it if I need to work hard to make it plausible. I can and will not write it if it's impossible to make it plausible. Yes.

wishlist, random, birthday fic bidding, we're all lemmings

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