Holiday Fic Request Meme 2012.

Jan 01, 2013 11:11

So. Since the last one went a little... suboptimal (let's not talk of the still missing fics), I thought I'd start a little earlier this year. This will remain fixed here until November 30 (or until it's full) and until that you have a chance to post your prompts. This time around, let me say a couple things. Or just one. Anyway. Let's talk about crack. I don't do it. Or I do but I'm really not good at it. And I don't like to write it. Everything else is fair game. Uh. Until I say otherwise, yeah.

Also, to give you some inspiration, have a look at this:

( Holiday Fic Request Meme 2011 )

before you get to this:

Comment with: a day, a fandom (can also be crossover), a character/pairing (can also be my OCs... but do try to take someone else than the farm kids, mackenziesmomma :P), and a prompt (can be everything from lyrics to pictures) and I will write at least 300 words for you, to be posted on the day you claimed. Any fandom/pairing that I am familiar with is fair game (just look up my interests in my profile and the comms I'm a member of or my Delicious account), but I might ask you to choose another prompt if you leave something I feel uncomfortable writing, or if it is a fandom I haven't been into in a while. You can, of course, request more than one.

(and no, I haven't forgotten the other still open meme prompts, such as this one)

December 1 - mackenziesmomma, Army Wives, Claudia Joy Holden and Denise Sherwood, how they came to be friends
December 2 - arwen_lune, Stargate, Samantha Carter and Laura Cadman, Senior command is content to let the record for 'most interteam offworld marriages' rest with SG1.
December 3 - yappichick, Star Wars, Delvin Sandwalker/Virina Moren, Triggerfinger, I Follow Rivers
December 4 - abvj, Leverage, Sophie Devereaux/Nathan Ford, pretending to be married
December 5 - ancient_leah, Iron Man, Virginia "Pepper" Potts/Tony Stark, Adele - Hiding my Heart
December 6 - hanseatic_keks, Stargate, Atlantis Cast, the dog of doom
December 7 - mackenziesmomma, Army Wives, Denise Sherwood and Tanya Gabriel
December 8 - pingulotta, Stargate/Iron Man, Samantha Carter and James Rhodes, Meeting again.
December 9 - apinkpanthress, Stargate, Atlantis Cast, Big City AU
December 10 - rareb, Downton Abbey, Dowager Countess Violet Crawley, "Life isn't all just beer and skittles."
December 11 - arwen_lune, Stargate, Laura Cadman/Evan Lorne, He tried to pinpoint the moment when her enthusiasm about blowing things up had gone from disturbing to - god help him - endearing.
December 12 - rareb, Harry Potter, Jane Walcott/Damian Bournewithe, The Doors - Riders on the Storm
December 13 - yappichick, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, Thomas Lasky, "So... now what happens?"
December 14 - anneruane, Stargate, Carson Beckett, Did I stick myself with a sharp object, or am I really seeing a dancing ostrich?
December 15 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Kassandra Wilson, that time her laptop broke and she gave it Viking Funeral Rites
December 16 - pingulotta, Harry Potter, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin, Not the way I'd hoped we'd meet...
December 17 - mackenziesmomma, JAG/Stargate, JAG and Stargate women, "Did you just say "wormhole travel"?"
December 18 - anneruane, Star Trek: Enterprise, Hoshi Sato/Malcolm Reed, temporal observatory and ballroom dancing maps
December 19 - sgteam14283, Star Wars, Jenna Melara, Jenna Melara encounters a leader of the Rebels and is, well, Jenna.
December 20 - keylafirefly, Warehouse 13, Claudia Donovan, the decision to contact Artie
December 21 - arwen_lune, Stargate, Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne, A team rendition of 'I Just Called To Say I Love You' is not an adequate substitute for an IDC code.
December 22 - hanseatic_keks, Stargate/Generation Kill, cast, Sir, not to get homoerotic about this, but I could kiss you.
December 23 - rareb, Harry Potter, Lavinia McNeil/Orion Yaxley, "Oh no, not again!"
December 24 - rodlox, Last Resort, cast, Christmas fic
December 25 - sgteam14283, The Lord of the Rings, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, The first time they got in trouble together.
December 26 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Joe Simmons and Kassandra Wilson, There's something about a girl in a red sun dress that still got to him even now
December 27 - rodlox, Leverage/Last Resort, casts, "Every time I take a vacation..."
December 28 - pingulotta, Sanctuary, Nikola Tesla, His own personal Sanctuary.
December 29 - sgteam14283, Army Wives, Jeremy Sherwood and Denise Sherwood with Molly Sherwood, AU where Jeremy never died
December 30 - ancient_leah
December 31 - apinkpanthress, Sanctuary

fandom: generation kill, fandom: sanctuary, fandom: iron man, holiday fic hysteria, fandom: stargate, star wars: jennas war, fandom: the lord of the rings, fandom: star trek, fannish stuff, fandom: warehouse 13, crossover: misc, fandom: harry potter, fandom: halo, fandom: jag, fandom: army wives, we're all lemmings, fandom: leverage, stargate: protect and survive

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