Title: Had the Guts, Got the Glory Fandom: Star Wars Rating: K+ Genres: gen, slightly het Recipient: yappichick Prompt: Star Wars, Delvin Sandwalker, anything with him being a badass Summary: ( spoilery for Not in Kansas Anymore )
Ahahahaha, awww, thank you :D They say they're both too old for all the dating and dancing around each other crap so they'll just skip it and get to the important stuff. We'll just ignore that they could have done that for 14 years or something... :D
I'm so glad you like it because he was really bitching a lot about having to fight Luke Skywalker instead of Han or Leia. Weird priorities, the man has :D
Comments 5
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Reading books to each other and sitting in front of the fireplace, yes.
No, wait. That was a different couple. Yeah, those two are doing exactly what we think they're going to do...
The important thing is that they got there.
True :D
*dances around in fangirl happiness*
I absolutely love this! ♥ The sparring! The references back to NIKA! YAY! This was absolutely awesome! Thank you!! :D :D
*runs off to squee some more*
I'm so glad you like it because he was really bitching a lot about having to fight Luke Skywalker instead of Han or Leia. Weird priorities, the man has :D
And you're welcome, it was a great prompt :)
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