And anyway, if it were, it would be my rightful reward for finally working my way through
mackenziesmomma's prompt for Dec 2 for the
Holiday Fic Request Meme. Holy crap, I honestly didn't think those short two pages would be so hard to get into writing. That's what happens when authors ruin a perfectly good show the way they ruined EUReKA. Anyway. Not-meme now.
Snagged from
1. Reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
I love this one to death. Practically every House quiz I ever took sorted me into Ravenclaw (except this one that sorted me into Gryffindor because I made the mistake of placing courage too high as an attribute only once) and I always felt most at home with that. I'm sometimes not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I admire sharp wit and sometimes I'm capable of some real fireworks of wit. Apart from that, I fail to understand how people who don't think can get through life, and I'm not afraid to tell them so. I'm such a little sunshine...
Ah, Helena. I remember this as an awesome Warehouse 13 episode and I loved how she appeared to be an actual member of the team. Also, I loved Artie's reaction to her eagerly raising her hand. Therefore, this is the perfect icon for reviews, comments of appreciation of every kind and basically loving something. If I give you this, you just received an actual gold star :D
Oh Jules. I've been so out of Flashpoint fandom, it's not even funny anymore. But I still plan on getting back into it. And it's my favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quote. It fits Jules very well, and I hope it also fits me in a way. I love this for everything tagged feminist soapbox because damn, well behaved women never made history. And I'd rather make history than be known for being well-behaved!
I guess I have a girl crush on Jaime Ray Newman (no kidding, huh?) and I loved her in Critical Mass. She was awesome there, showing that being a kick ass soldier also means being a kick ass techie and kicking Rodney's ass (did I ever say how much I hated his stupid condescending behaviour in that ep?). I also like having b/w icons from time to time because there's something... sophisticated about them. It's my "What the hell just happened/is going on here/does that mean?" icon.
Finding Nemo meets Stargate. Ahem. I loved Lorne in The Road Not Taken, especially his very expressive face (it really registered when I was skimming screencaps for some icons and found so many great expressions that I wanted to make an icon out of nearly every cap). See his eyebrows? That totally looks like having dirty thoughts. And believe me, Lorne is capable of a lot of them.
Joanne Kelly ♥ I was going through Warehouse 13 caps when this caught my eyes. I figured I had a lot of "Cut the crap, will you?" icons and not enough "Wheee happy!" icons, so this had to make it into the collection. It's a quite kind of happy and sometimes that's the best, even for me :D She looks awesome there, doesn't she?
that other meme isn't fully resolved yet...