Sep 04, 2011 01:44
I just broke 25k on the big bang story!
I also now know that I'll need five to six (or maybe seven, depending on how the chapter after the current one will work) eight more chapters to finish it which while it's certainly tough actually not impossible to do within the deadline of September 25th. I just hope I won't break down on the home stretch as I'm usually wont to do (not breaking down but nearly breaking down and saying "Ah, just fuck it all, I'm gonna quit." I never did it before and I don't intend to now but the home stretch really is the hardest part in any thing I do for me) and oh God, the beating. And the formatting. And oh God, I think I'll just go back to finishing my chapter and try to get this story done. Eeeek!
big pile of squee,
big bang big frenzy,
fannish stuff