And when you're done celebrating, please start thinking again.

May 02, 2011 23:34

So Osama's dead.

First thing I though was: "So... what?"

Second thing was: "Are they stupid? It's like a fucking hydra's head. Cut off one of them, you get three new ones."

And this is, in essence, what will happen. There's a reason why security alerts have been raised in most of the allied countries (incidentally, just yesterday, German police in Bonn arrested a group of returnees from one of those terror camps that were planning an attack in the German state of and why suddenly Social Democrats of all parties are calling for tightening anti-terror laws instead of talking about the world having become safer again.

Guys, this is not the first day of a better world. Instead, we probably can call ourselves lucky if it wasn't the beginning of something ugly. And it will most certainly not end the war in Afghanistan. Bin Laden was Al Qaida's figure head, not their leader... and now he'll very probably be their martyr. Killing him like that - basically a publicly sanctioned execution without a trial or anything - was stupid and everyone arguing that he didn't deserve a trial should think twice about "us" being better than "them".

So we condemn them for randomly abducting and killing people, breaking into their houses, spreading terror through their neighborhood... and what else is having a team of Navy SEALs suddenly in your backyard and then executing the guy they just asked you to point them to? This was a very bad idea and I have a very bad feeling about this. And it never ends well when someone says that.

Quite frankly, I never cared much about the person Osama bin Laden. But I do care about strategic and tactical mistakes and this one was a big one. Does anyone really think killing an old guy with weird eyes and an even weirder beard will make the world a safer place? Seriously? Anyone? Well, I for my part don't and if you all use your brains, you'll realize you don't think so, either. This isn't over by a long shot, mark my words.

not a war, what i don't even, politics, parallel universe

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