Even MORE daily useless rambling

Mar 24, 2010 23:55

Yep, it's a collection of daily meaningless rambling...

  • 15:25 Have successfully cleaned out fridge today. Am thinking about doing the pantry on weekend. Am also scared of myself... and a little pissed. #
  • 21:29 Blergh. Pain. Why did I decide to attend judo practice today? WHY? Oh right... because... because... no, I have no idea. #
  • 22:18 *sighs Gabriel Byrne is so HOT. I love Crossing Jordan reruns... no idea why but I do. #
  • 23:44 Getting your nerves again... pls vote & RT: bit.ly/b0xgZI (confirm app, then click on link again to see the design in question). #
  • 23:44 RT @ZooBorns: I have decided that these otters are so lethally cute, they should be dubbed the "Thermonuclear Otters" - bit.ly/c2FJ5f #
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home sweet home, random, run girl run

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