Almighty Fic Index of DOOM.

Dec 31, 2019 14:33

Okay, so since I realized that the amount of fics I have in my LJ has increased surprisingly (and not just because of Fanfic100), I decided to do something I've seen in a few other journals: Give you a post where all of them can be found with title (plus link), summary and short additional info such as pairing or content warnings. Also, all of them are posted in correct reading order, not necessarily writing order and I decided to break them up by category, so here we go:


Lorne/Cadman (including those Fanfic100 stories that are part of universes that existed before I took the claim):

Defining Moments series:

The Faith That Cleans Your Wound: Well... what did compell General Evan Lorne into letting Dr. Rodney McKay through the 'Gate in "The Last Man"?, off-screen character death

Some Brand New Luck: Hopefully last appearance of TLM!Lorne, having been invited to a friends' house and trying not to be too bitter. It has been eight years since Laura died, after all.

All Of My Heart: Surprisingly, TLM!Lorne is back... and he's fed up with his sister trying to make him move on from his late wife, Captain Laura Cadman-Lorne.

Never Gonna Say Again: Again, TLM!Lorne is back, telling us about the moment he realized something fundamental about himself, eight years after his wife's death.

Time Keeps Burning On: Another visit to TLM!Lorne... where he finds himself in a position to bestow his wisdom on a young officer in need, five years after leaving Atlantis.

Like a Song Without a Melody: Revisiting TLM-Timeline!Lorne, this time two years after returning to the Milky Way and burying his wife, a certain Captain Laura Cadman-Lorne.

You And I Will Meet Again: Revisiting TLM-Timeline!Lorne, back at Arlington National Cemetery, at the funeral of his wife, Captain Laura Cadman-Lorne.

If It Kills Me: Revisiting TLM-Timeline!Lorne ... back when Laura Cadman was still very much alive. What's going through your head when you're about to tie the knot amidst war and destruction?

Protect and Survive series:


Coming Clean: January 1995, shortly before the wedding of Charlie Williamson and Anna Lorne. That almost never happened.

It's Only Just Begun: January 1995, shortly before the wedding of Charlie Williamson and Anna Lorne. This is how Evan Lorne saved it. Mostly singlehandly

And Selfishness Its Shadow Casts: Anna Williamson neé Lorne is alone for the first time after marrying Charlie Williamson. Because the idiot had to go and get himself deployed to Bosnia.

There’s A Girl That Lives Up The Block: Thanksgiving 2001, and Charlie Williamson reunites with the woman who used to be his babysitter.

Plenty of Ways That You Can Hurt a Man: Harmon Rabb is about to find out just how harmless the NROTC midshipmen of George Washington University can be.

Miss More Than Hit: Evan Lorne's day is rapidly approaching "worst day in history" stage, and it's all Thomas Moore's fault.

Last Kiss Made You Cry: Bad news for Carson Beckett.

Out of Reach: Laura Cadman's life isn't just the same anymore, ever since Carson Beckett died. And now she feels like she's on the road to insanity. Spoilers for 'Sunday'.

Rotterdam or Anywhere: For Sam Carter and Laura Cadman, it's just another day at the office. For Sarah Rabb-Mackenzie and Jennifer Coates, it's a whole new world of crazy.

Seize the Day: So now that Carson is back... is anyone going to tell Laura Cadman about it? Kinda spoilers for 'The Kindred Pt 1 and 2'.

Where It All Began: So Laura Cadman listened to Major Lorne and made her way back to Atlantis. The questions is: What will Carson say to all of this? Spoilers from 'The Kindred' onwards.


Protect and Survive I: Might Just Save Your Life ( Prologue, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 8/8, Epilogue): Laura Cadman thought she came back to Atlantis for Carson Beckett... but things aren't really happening as planned, thanks to our favorite Major, Evan Lorne.

Protect and Survive Interlude - Same Old Song: Colonel Sheppard feels the aftereffects of what he experienced in "The Last Man", ties Protect and Survive to Defining Moments

Protect and Survive II: Raising the Stakes ( Prologue, 1/11, 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 5/11): Laura Cadman is caught between a rock and a hard place. Or maybe rather between her heart and her head? Anyway, it's never easy when a certain Doctor and Major are involved.

Protect and Survive Interlude - Four Times Rodney Didn't Say Anything, and One Time He Did: Rodney McKay has to discover that life is like high school... all the time, and even years after graduating.

Protect and Survive Interlude - Untitled Sheppard/Teyla snippet: Teyla has news for John...

Protect and Survive Interlude - Good Advice: Major Evan Lorne would really like to know why his second in command Lieutenant Joe Simmons isn't exactly paying attention in a briefing.

Protect and Survive Interlude - Crazy Hazy Hue: His mother will kill him. She'll tell him that's not how she raised him and then she'll kill him.

Protect and Survive Interlude - Have You Ever Wanted: First Lieutenant Joe Simmons (a.k.a. Smarty McSmartypants...) gets taught a lesson about team work by his Sergeants.

Protect and Survive Interlude - Not Like I Expected It: An in-depth look at how SOPs in Atlantis are created.

Protect and Survive Interlude - Near the Village, the Quiet Village: Evan Lorne isn't quite sure if this mission goes into the Aliens Made Us Do It folder or the Let's Never Talk About This Again folder.

Protect and Survive Interlude - Take me Away to the Moonlight: Evan Lorne, Kassandra Wilson and Joe Simmons were saved by the bell. So to speak.

Protect and Survive Interlude - Five Christmas Eves That Weren't Busines as Usual: Five couples, five Christmas Eves, from 2002 to 2010.

Pandora's Box series:

Shards Instead of Glass: Apocafic/AU - Atlantis lost the fight against the replicators, and Earth gave up on the city... and her crew. Two of the survivors are Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne.

Find Peace Tonight: Apocafic/AU - Evan Lorne and Laura Cadman might not have won the war... but maybe at least a battle?

What You Call Hell: Apocafic/AU - Evan Lorne learns that a wounded team mate is one thing... but a wounded girlfriend quite another.

It's Never Like That in Reality: Apocafic/AU - After the raid that went down the drain, Evan Lorne had hoped for a reprieve... but maybe the problems for Evan and Laura are just beginning?

Go Home: Apocafic/AU - There's always light at the end of the tunnel... Evan Lorne and Laura Cadman are on their way home. Or what usually passes as home.

Better Times: Apocafic/AU - Laura Cadman, Evan Lorne and the question "How do you pick up the threads of an old life?" (Frodo, "The Return of the King").

So Much Broken: Apocafic/AU - Well, a cabin in the mountains is something very nice... let's see if Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne can appreciate it, too.

Can't Forget the War: Apocafic/AU - One year later, and Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne have to learn that C4 - emotional one, in this case - lasts longer than only a few weeks.

Midnight Blue AU:

Sometimes She's Wrong, Sometimes I'm Right: Sergeant Evan Lorne really has had it with Officer Laura Cadman... and he's gonna tell her so.

Trying to Protect my Point of View: Officer Laura Cadman is pretty sure she botched her relationship with Sergeant Evan Lorne... and all because of one little question.

Christmas Day: This really isn't the kind of Christmas Sergeant Evan Lorne had planned for this year...

Inter-Service Support Series (Legacy tags):

Best Laid Plans: Laura Cadman meets someone aboard the George Hammond. Guess who. Missing scene/tag/probably AU to jo_graham's Homecoming.

What She Can Do: Evan Lorne needs to vent off frustration, Laura Cadman was bored on the Hammond. Here's where they meet. Tag to jo_graham's and amygriswold's The Lost.

Feel the Bomb Drop: Laura Cadman gets to blow up something big. Tag to The Lost.

Military Madness AU:

Kennedy Made Him Believe (We Could Do Much More): It's Vietnam 1966 and Women's Army Corps Lieutenant Laura Cadman never planned on getting attached to anyone. And then came Air Force Major Evan Lorne.

We'll Dance Until Morning ('Til There's Just You And Me): It's Vietnam 1966 and Major Evan Lorne is just back from thirty days of compassionate leave, and firmly set on a bottle of Jack being his only companion for his first night back in-country.

With No Direction Home (Like a Complete Unknown): It's Vietnam 1966 and Major Evan Lorne has to learn what the road to hell is paved with.

So I Came in Here (And Your Long-Time Curse Hurts): It's Vietnam 1966 and Colonel John Sheppard goes to visit an old friend.

No Reason To Get Excited (The Thief He Kindly Spoke): It's Vietnam 1966 and Will Meyers is fed up with the idiocy of his boss, Evan Lorne.

Forget The Dead You’ve Left (They Will Not Follow You): It's Vietnam 1966 and Captain Maureen Reece gets to haul her pilot's ass out of a bar, yet again.

It’s Way Too Soon (To Be Obsessin’ Like This): It's the US 1967 and Joe "McSmartypants" Simmons is back from his tour in Vietnam.

America Has Heard The Bugle Call (And You Know It Involves Us One And All): It's Vietnam 1967 and Captain Matthew Kemp and Lieutenant Jenna Wells get to know Evan Lorne and Laura Cadman, their new COs.

Military Madness (Is Killing Your Country): It's Vietnam 1967 and Matt Kemp is charged with getting Jenna Wells to stop cleaning a chopper she has no business being in except being a passenger.

And All Of The Men In This War Torn Land (Salute The Nurses of Vietnam): It's Vietnam 1967 and Thomas Moore has to learn that something really shook up his Air Force nurse.

Two-In/Two-Out AU:

I've Tried So Hard, Baby: Milwaukee Fire Department Lieutenant Evan doesn't care about his ex, firefighter Laura Cadman. Not a little bit. Nope.

Badlands Start Treating Us Good: Milwaukee Fire Department firefighter Laura Cadman really needs to get back in shape after her line-of-duty accident.

All the Boys You Sent Away: It's a quiet night at Milwaukee Fire Department's Engine 12 fire house. Time for confessions and another Springsteen ballad.

Ain’t Lookin’ For Prayers Or Pity: It's a cold February night in Milwaukee for Evan Lorne and Laura Cadman. Time for some hard truths.

Other Lorne/Cadman (and Lorne & Cadman):

Shock and Awe series and What Made All The Difference series index

The Fire Still Burns At Night: It's Christmas in Atlantis... well, for everyone except Evan Lorne, that is.

Four Times Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne Blow Up Something, and One Time They Don't: The first time Evan Lorne and Laura Cadman blow something up together, he doesn’t even know who she is yet.

Thinking About The Old Days: Ever since Carson died, lazy Sunday afternoons just aren't Laura Cadman's cup of tea anymore.

Kiss Away the Pain: It was supposed a simple recon mission to an abandoned ship for Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne, and then it went FUBAR. And not in a good way.

Ghost Moon Sails Among the Clouds (Turns the Rifles Into Silver): On the way to Teruel, former US Army Major turned International Brigades fighter Evan Lorne has an unexpected encounter on the road.

Non-Lorne/Cadman stories:

Minor Characters series:

Brothers in Arms: Major Evan Lorne has no clue why Master Sergeant Simon DeLisle still keeps taking crap from his CO, Major Thomas Moore.

Look What You Do: Major Thomas Moore needs a medic. Captain Laura Greenspan is one. Only problem? She's not talking to him. Well, yet.

All the Great Things: The one where Major Lorne gets taught a lesson about having to be much faster about making his move.

Both Sides: Major Thomas Moore is being an ass again and it's Major Evan Lorne's job to tell him so

A Push: For some reason, Major Lorne feels the need to make Lieutenant Reece see her new boss is much less fearsome than she thinks.

Odd Man Out ( 1/19, 2/19, 3/19, 4/19, 5/19, 6/19, 7/19, 8/19, 9/19, 10/19): Everyone knows SG1... but what about the other teams on the roster? Here's one of them. Meet Major Thomas Moore, Captain Laura Greenspan, Lieutenant Maureen Reece and Master Sergeant Simon DeLisle - also known as SG10 - and accompany them on the mission that made them a team.

I'm Out in Space: A glimpse into what SG10 were doing during Season 1 of SGA.

And We’ll Join The Dreamers And Renegades: Sam Carter always wondered why a certain US Marine never accepted command of her own team. She gets her answer in one late night in the infirmary.

A Rugged And Ready Crew: Stabsarzt Matthias Morsberg has no idea why he agreed to play with the Marines in the annual Jarheads vs. Zoomies football game.

To Have And To Hold: What could be more beautiful than a summer wedding?

Woman's Voice series:

Private Consultation: Major Anne Teldy doesn't want a substitute for Captain Alicia Vega... but it seems that she doesn't have a choice.

Well Behaved Women: Sergeant Dusty Mehra isn't in the mood for some all women ritual stuff. But it doesn't look as if she has a choice.

Stand-alones/stories only losely tied to 'verses:

Tossed Upon the Waves: It's days like these that make John Sheppard love his job as military CO of Atlantis, could be part of Protect and Survive/Minor Characters

Back in Line: 1st Lt. Tamara Johanson knows she shouldn't do this... screwing around with Col. Everett Young in a storage closet aboard the Destiny, that is., SGU, TJ/Young

And I Feel Fine: Atlantis is not inclined to let Major Evan Lorne go just yet. Yes, it's kinda Lorne/Atlantis. And it has spoilers for EATG.

Untitled Rodney/Dusty snippet: Rodney really has no idea what he's doing in front of that Sergeant's door.

Five People Who Remember Nine Eleven: "We all need to know that those attacks did not only kill thousands of Americans, but they also hit the entire world," Dr. Peter Struck said on September 12 2001. What's the world saying today? (five OCs, in Atlantis, on September 11 2011)

Some Kind of Attitude: “Sometimes I think people are behaving like idiots, just to make that list,” Carter replies, looking a little pained.

Signs That Say No Dogs Allowed: This is what happens when a furry creature doesn't stay in the biology labs.

I Arrived in the City of Lights: Ex-Army Ranger turned cop Ronon Dex is new in the city. He's going to be introduced to its finest today.

Grow Like a Riot: Just another day at the office... that is, on an off-world mission... with birds.

Star Wars:

Under Covers ( 1/3, 2/3, 3/3): Sometimes, only revenge keeps you alive. OCs, and the question of the man behind the monster. Among others.

Jenna's War series:

Screw Up ( 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6): A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... there were also people who were neither Jedi nor smugglers nor bounty hunters nor anything else as glamorous as that. Private Jenna Melara, infantry soldier for the Alliance, was one of them. Here's her story.

Big Girl ( 1/12, 2/12, 3/12, 4/12): There's good news and bad news for Private Jenna Melara... no, there are only bad news. And she wants to share them with all of us!

All Just Some Game: Jenna Melara encounters a leader of the Rebels and is... Jenna.

Battlestar Galactica:

Tomorrow: "After all... tomorrow is another day." - Scarlett O'Hara, "Gone with the Wind" - Three people. They all pretend, and they all want it to end, Kara, Lee, Dee, spoilers for 'Unfinished Business'.

Do You Dream: No one knows where the couch came from. One day it was just there. Helo wonders.


Fragments series:

Need Another Story: Eliot always prided himself to be good at controlling everything... but Parker was always good at shaking things up anyway.

You Can Dance: Sophie teaches Parker how to dance and Eliot can't help but watch.

If It Happened To You: A job nearly got botched and Hardison is not happy... so he takes it out on Eliot.

What a Diff'rence: Nate asks but Eliot doesn't tell. Well, much.

You Amaze Me: Eliot can't sleep.

Reconcile the Violence: Eliot continues to puzzle Parker. As does that strange thing called 'love'. Follow up/wrap up to Fragments, but can also stand alone.


Take You Higher: They were supposed to take the direct road from A to B... but Parker wanted the scenic road. And what Parker wants, Parker gets.

Go On: You know you can't stay at Archie's. Pre-series.

Other Dancers May Be on the Floor: The team isn't convinced of Nate's newest plan.

Warehouse 13:

Room With a View: There's more to Pete than just his pop culture allusions and his goofing off, and once in a while that catches up with him. Tag to 'Burnout', slight Pete/Myka... if you squint.

Blinded and Harpooned: When all is said and done, they don't need the Warehouse.


An Interesting Detachment: Jo Lupo leaves Eureka. Alone.

The Lord of the Rings

Like Puzzle Pieces From the Clay: The Lady Eowyn is afraid she is exchanging one cage for another.


Ride with Yuri Gargarin: River watches. River observes. River thinks about Mal and Inara.

Harry Potter:

If it Wasn't for Your Misfortunes: She's a Ravenclaw. This war thing... that's just not in her focus right now.

Regrets I Have None: Hogwarts needs Slytherin back and Helga Hufflepuff is out on a mission to convince him of it.

Old War Wounds series:

When Sentiment is left to Chance: He lost a leg at El Alamein and he's drugged up to his filthy collar. But he recognized her right away.

Into This House We’re Born, Into This World We’re Thrown: Rain’s coming down in sheets and she takes it as an omen.

She Puts Me In A State: It’s been almost a year of tea dates and lunch dates and walks in Hyde Park and Kew Gardens and kisses behind shelves in libraries when she says, “I think you should meet my grandmother.”

Dance Up On Them Haters: Christmas is fast approaching, with people mending and making do and trying to scrounge up enough sugar and butter and flour ration stamps to get together enough for baking cookies and surveying the pile of meat stamps in their little kitchen tins with a critical eye.



Whispers in the Morning: No one ever told her about the morning after the wedding night.

Generation Kill:

The Answer, My Friend: For a moment, you try to be disgusted with yourself because folk, isn’t that the sentimental, naïve little brother of country, even more retarded?, gen, Brad/Ray, if you squint. A lot.

The Avengers:


Your Business Dress, So Businesslike: When Natasha Romanoff leans in to Clint Barton and makes him smile, five different people have a different view on it.

this time baby I'll be bullett proof series:

Who Knows No Mercy: Since the day the world nearly ended, the ship is silent. It has nothing to do with her engines having been temporarily taken out of service for a complete overhaul and everything with so much being so loud in Natasha Romanoff’s head.

Of Struggling With Shadows in the Dark: It’s been a few days since they blew up half of downtown New York and saved the world. Or maybe Cap and Stark and Banner saved the world and Natasha of course and he was there for the spotting and the shooting, lucky to have been accepted back on the light side of the Force.

Secrets From My American Dreams: Steve Rogers, on a mission in Moscow with Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff, encounters an old friend. Or what is left of him, anyway.

Say I'm better Than You Left Me: Natasha Romanoff, after the fiasco in Moscow.

Iron Man:

Your Face Against the Morning Sun: Sometimes, Tony Stark wonders what Pepper Potts sees in him.

Downton Abbey:


It's so Quiet Here: Lavinia is dead and you are weeping. She shuddered away, one last breath ridden with fever and then she was gone. You weep.

A New Exterior: When Violet Crawley was still a Blyther-Hamfield, her father used to have a favorite saying. A saying she detested, as soon as she knew what “to detest something” meant.

In the Inbetween series:

Weak and Small: It's been two months since Lavinia died and Matthew is not sure whether he deserves kindness or not.

Polizeiruf 110:

Mit Schweigen sich niemand verrät: Coda zu Stillschweigen, Bukow und König, Bukow/König, wenn man sich ganz dolle anstrengt.

Last Resort:

Stay Around Here, For a While: Grace Shepard left James King out to die. James King finds Grace Shepard on a beach. Coda to Skeleton Crew.

Army Wives:

Who We Are: The story of how Denise Sherwood and Claudia Joy Holden came to be friends is one of trials and tribulations.

Eternities Come and Go: Tanya has news for Denise.


We Were Soldiers Once (And Young) series:

In Now For The Kill: After the massacre on Circinius IV, Thomas Lasky is back home. Or what is supposed to pass for it now.

Down Upon My Knees (And You Have Broken Me): Thirty-one years after they told him he'd never have a future in the UNSC, Thomas Lasky gets promoted to Captain.

Foolishness and Self-Deception: Ever since leaving Requiem behind, there's been silence and anger between Thomas Lasky and Sarah Palmer.

People Spend A Lifetime This Way (And That’s How They Stay): Three days ago, Thomas Lasky threw Sarah Palmer out of his ready room and she has no idea how to salvage their friendship from the wreckage Osman's order left behind.

A Hundred Tanks Along the Square: Sometimes, Thomas Lasky likes to take a break in the atrium. The aftermath of being told off by Serin Osman is a perfect opportunity.

Never to Touch (And Never to Keep): Things between Thomas Lasky and Sarah Palmer have changed, even though it doesn't look like it.

But The River Is So Wide: It breaks her heart and it’s a dirty job but it needs to get done. And ever since there have been Spartans, getting dirty jobs done was their sole purpose in life.

And When Those Blue Snowflakes Start Fallin’ (That’s When Those Blue Memories Start Callin’): Okay, this is getting him nowhere. Standing in front of her door yet again and hoping for a Christmas miracle is dumb and not what any of his mentors would ever let him get away with.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Years From Now: Just a dancing lesson on the Enterprise for Malcolm Reed.


And Everything Stands Still: Maybe Felicity Smoak keeps coming back to the Big Belly Burger because it makes the time with Oliver Queen a little more real.

Shelter from the Storm series:

All That Could Have Been: Lyla and John and divorce papers.

It's Always You: John and Lyla, after the events in State vs. Queen.

But If You Close Your Eyes: Lyla and John, after the events in Blast Radius.

Pacific Rim:

Bulletproof (Nothing To Lose): He tells you that you have too much fury in yourself, that you are too broken and battered still to kill monsters, and maybe he is right.

Don’t You Cry For the Lost (Smile For the Living): Stacker Pentecost, watching his Jaeger crews deal with the pressure of war.


We Ran Aground: Catherine Harcourt and Tom Riley, before Tom leaves for Australia.


Stargate/Star Wars:

Not in Kansas Anymore, ( 1/23, 2/23, 3/23, 4/23, 5/23, 6/23, 7/23, 8/23, 9/23, 10/23, 11/23): When Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne woke up in a storage room, they never thought it would be in a galaxy far, far away. And now they need to find a way back home, past Special Operations agents and stormtroopers, between the fronts in a war they thought they knew (from television, mind you). But no one ever said it would be easy.

Had the Guts, Got the Glory: Delvin Sandwalker didn't defect to the Rebellion to have to beat up little whiny boy wonders from Tatooine.

Run Deep, Run Wild: It’s been a slow day. Slow days are never good for her. Slow days make shadows larger and havens smaller and the shadow of Delv’s loyalty is always the biggest shadow.

The Paradox That Drives Us On: This didn't go as planned for Delvin Sandwalker. Actually, this wasn't planned at all.

Stargate/Army Wives:

Combined Arms:

This Gun's For Hire: Chase Moran gets an offer he might not be able to refuse. Post S5 Army Wives finale.

Been a Bad Day: That Army brat is going to be the death of Rodney McKay. Someday soon, she will.

Every Now and Then (We’re Actually Pretty Fine): If there is one thing Chase Moran doesn't like about Atlantis, it's that there's literally no way to find your kids if they don't want you to.

Grow and See: Pamela Moran gets to watch something interesting.


For a Better World to Live in: It's been five years since Eliot's team split up when the world changed for the worse. He's still not looking for a new one.

With the Left Over You: Eliot Spencer is back in the US, looking for his old team. He finds someone else first.

Sometime Yesterday: Evan Lorne followed a call from Eliot Spencer. He's not sure if it was such a good idea, after all.

Warehouse 13/Stargate:

Someone Way Down Here: You're back in Colorado Springs. Just for a few days, you keep telling yourself.

Warehouse 13/Leverage:

Close Encounters of Another Kind: Television always fascinated Helena.

Stargate/Generation Kill:

Joint Fire Support Team:

Drowning on Dry Land: Laura Cadman wouldn't be the first Lieutenant Sergeant Brad Colbert is giving some gentle nudges into the right direction. If she'd just let him.

Better Treat Her Right: Sometimes, Dr. Keller doesn't mind a little tactical fire support.

Break the Door Down: All Brad Colbert wanted was some quiet but that means nothing if Evan Lorne wants to talk to you.

Wishing She Was Somewhere Else Instead: "So here she is. About to knock on her superior’s office door to ask him to transfer her to another posting."

Hang On: It's been three months since Laura Cadman came clear to her CO and almost three since she left for Earth on the Daedalus. Let's see how Brad Colbert among other people welcomes her back.

From the Heart: Laura Cadman finally gets a proper welcome back from her now ex team leader. Or at least that's what intended to get on her way back from the infirmary.

Stargate/Iron Man:

Let Me Know If You're Still Alive: Every few months, Samantha Carter and James Rhodes meet again at a Falcons game post-game party. It's always the same.

stargate: woman's voice, fandom: generation kill, fandom: star wars, fic index, fandom: temeraire, halo: we were soldiers once (and young), fandom: the avengers, fandom: last resort, crossover: joint fire support team, fandom: disney, stargate: pandora's box, downton abbey: in the inbetween, fandom: bsg, fandom: stargate, fandom: polizeiruf 110/tatort, stargate: defining moments, fandom: the lord of the rings, star wars: jennas war, harry potter: old war wounds, crossover: combined arms, fannish stuff, fandom: eureka, stargate: minor characters, fandom: warehouse 13, crossover: misc, fandom: harry potter, fandom: halo, crossover: not in kansas anymore, fandom: army wives, stargate: protect and survive, fandom: leverage

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