So I don't forget anything and fucking get my ass up *sighs ETA: Sorted items because I'm just way too OCD for my own good...
Short term items:
- find job
- get cancelation of cable contract printed and send it away
- copy registration card and send it to T-Com
- call judo and fencing club
- pay guy who drove me to Berlin
- send account data to former landlord
- find job
- change standing money transfer order to parents
- call recruiter
- research possibilities about teaching on the side at community college (creative writing... not really surprising, is it?)
- look up community college classes (French, English conversation)
- read up on German State Department, Foreign Service and foreign politics
- read and bookmark tons of fic currently open in tabs
- find job
- sort clothes into temporary closet
- rearrange crates
- edit the rest of A Little Place Like Kokomo
- and did I mention... FIND JOB?
Long term items:
- translate the rest of the Fanfic100 stories (and maybe make list of the untranslated ones beforehand)
- translate the rest of Take Charge
- translate all current Protect and Survive stories
- finish Wish I Was at Home
- edit Jenna's War stories
- finish flashfic
- finish watching Buffy
- finish Haven't Thought of You Lately
- sort through multi-chapter Fanfic100 stories (link them together)