Yep, it's a collection of daily meaningless rambling...
- 03:18 BOOYAH! Another #Fanfic100 piece written. That's 94 down and 6 to go. Whee! #
- 22:23 Holy shit! RT @Soldatenglueck: USA erwarten sich von Deutschland 2000 Bundeswehrsoldaten mit Kampfauftrag... #
- 22:31 Mh. I think I did something today that Tom (one of my #Stargate OCs) will never forgive me. It's all @mackenziesmomma's fault. In a way. #
- 22:47 Hey, followers, some cheerleading would be appreciated... because then I could probably finish ANOTHER #Fanfic100 story! #
- 22:53 Okay... why do I always let Woolsey conduct Atlantis wedding ceremonies? It's a bitch writing speeches for him that sound RIGHT. *sighs #
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