Even MORE daily useless rambling

Nov 16, 2009 23:55

Yep, it's a collection of daily meaningless rambling...

  • 00:22 Yay, finished 1st chapter of SG10 Christmas story! Only 2 or 3 more to go. Go me! Now, come on, guys, behave yourselves, be nice characters. #
  • 00:24 "You say no sacrifice too great but every soldier is a mother's son..." - See, that's why I love #HeatherNova so very, very, VERY much. #
  • 00:32 "You take the high road and I take the low road and I'll be in Scotland before you..." & this is why I love #Runrig so very, very, VERY much #
  • 11:56 "Keinen Kuchen bei der NATO... so'n Quatsch. Die ham doch da massenweise Amerikaner." *lof I love the "Küss mich, Kanzler" radio comedy :D #
  • 12:46 Dear LT Brandenburg, R U fucking NUTS? A PR employee w/ TVL E8 and 50%? That's about 770€ clear... & less than what I get now as UNEMPLOYED. #
  • 13:56 "Better than nothing" is a lot less than I deserve. So I refuse to settle for it. I don't see how that can be wrong. Does anyone of you? #
  • 19:44 Know which DVD I just bought? Much Ado About Nothing! Yay (if you don't know what this is about you should pay more attention 2 my tweets)! #
  • 20:00 Eeeep.Only a few tweets about #ChuckNorris and suddenly an ominous @ChuckNorriz is following me. #scary #
  • 22:28 OK, my sister was right... #BurnNotice is just so fucking COOL. Fiona is like Laura Cadman in crazy. Or something. Anyway, it's COOL. #
  • 22:34 Question, followers: What would happen if Fiona of #BurnNotice got to meet Laura Cadman of #SGA? Yeah, I should stop watching TV, I know... #
  • 22:39 Oh noes, @mackenziesmomma says I'm not allowed to write Cadman/Fiona crack!fic until I finish #Fanfic100. It would be so wonderfully CRACKY. #
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regular day at the office, music, parallel universe, plot bunnies

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