Okay... where are we here? Resignation Land? I just read an e-mail from our current campaign leader ranting about some thing or other and threatening to resign. That would be the third campaign leader we'd lose (the first resigned because of work issues, the second was made to resign because of political issues and the third now obviously feels hurt in his vanity or whatever) this year and it's starting to get ridiculous. I really wonder if this resignation business is a male pecularity or if it only seems like it because all our campaign leaders up to now were male.
But seriously... every time someone threatened to resign from their position (or his whole membership) because something wasn't going the way they wanted, it was a guy. The few women I knew to resign didn't threaten with it, they just did it. The guys that threatened to resign... usually really only threatened until someone came running to them, petted their bruised ego and told them that we love them anyway (well, not in these words but you get my drift, right?). It was like stomping their foot, wailing a little and holding their breath until they got what they wanted... yep, just like a five-year-old. Someone neglected to tell them it isn't supposed to work like this in a grown-up world.
And I mean... we could still do that... we'd just have to turn around and tell them "So... why don't you just do it, then?" just once. Just once we shouldn't give them the attention they want but just tell them to fucking do it because it's really starting to become ridiculous. But no, always some good soul has the immediate reflex to go and do some ego-petting and thus they will never learn to behave like adults, grit their teeth and just carry on... like most women in this party do when someone kicks their shins (in the proverbial sense, I mean)... me, for example.
In the last few years I had enough reasons to resign, step back and let others do the dirty and boring work of working behind the scenes. Two candidacies were ruined in a disgustingly conniving way (completely by males, by the way... and no, I'm not spinning conspiracy theories here), compromising me to a majority of this state organization's important comrades, I get almost constant flak for my Bundeswehr past (mostly from youth organization members, though) and sometimes I even have to defend myself against low blows. But did I only once threaten with resignation? Did I only once threaten with stepping back? No, goddammit. Because unlike some other people I know that you shouldn't make threats you don't mean to carry out.
Honestly, it's no wonder I'm almost ready to quit, reenlist in the Army and be done with it. At least there you can't abandon your post just because you feel wounded in your pride or personal vanities and you actually have to take responsibility for abandoning your post. Is it really that hard to just grit your teeth and work through your issues instead of throwing the towel and vanishing? And here people liked to say I give up way too easily...