Even MORE daily useless rambling

May 26, 2009 23:55

Yep, it's a collection of daily meaningless rambling...

  • 11:27 I hate election campaigning. Seriously, I do. #
  • 11:58 How come my WHOLE writing folder has 8MB (zipped) and the STARGATE folder has 4MB (zipped)? Half the writing folder is SG stuff??? #
  • 12:10 Oye, lunch now. Why is it that everyone seems to hate everyone else at the office today? And did I mention that I hate election campaigning? #
  • 12:53 Mh... would it lighten the mood if I plucked out the headphones and gave the whole office the joy of listening to #Milow? Probably not... #
  • 13:04 Note to self: No listening to "Born in the Eighties" in the office *blames teary eyes on non existent hay-fever #
  • 13:08 Damn, now I'm REALLY in the mood for an icon frenzy. A nice, big #kavansmith icon frenzy. ARGH! #
  • 15:39 ARGH! 20 minutes until I close the office down and it just started raining. I knew it. I fucking KNEW it! #
  • 15:55 Yeah, another office day over! And at the moment it's NOT raining. Maybe I'll get home dry and change my shoes for hiking shoes. #
  • 20:11 So now that I got a LITTLE order in my chaos... off to go looking for flash drive of happy and then some icon making. #
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socialists, regular day at the office, parallel universe, fannish stuff

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