Despite Sleuth's (which is a CrimeTV Cable Channel I've just discovered) odd habit of showing the episodes ENTIRELY OUT OF ORDER and apparently refusing to air anything prior to season five, I have over the past few months and thanks to both the aforementioned SleuthTV and TiVo, fallen in love with
Homicide: Life on the Street. It started as a thing I enjoyed watching on occasion and has turned into (yay!) another fandom to add to my list about which I google things on my time off and bemoan my sad lack of fannish connections therein.
despite the canonical Unrequited Love (tm) of Bayliss/Pembleton (aka That Which I Shall Not Call Frankntim Because That Is A Dumb Pairing Name), I'm finding the most slashable to be Kellerman/Lewis... of course with a side order of Stivers; AKA the O-T-we-hate-Mahoney-3. And then with the h8ing and the betrayal, and the bitchslap, and the... mmm, smells like hot hot drama in the morning.
Favorite character, though? Sgt. Kay Howard, and I swear that's not just because we share a name. I didn't say which name.
Also I so need to Netflix the early seasons.