Learning by Exploring Microworlds and Virtual Realities
Another informative chapter! I have acquired a wide range of knowledge from the reading. I was informed that,”Microworlds and virtual reality can be used effectively to engage students in collaborative learning that supports meaningful knowledge of constructivism” (p.206). It is important to note that through out the chapter there are links to websites relating to Virtual realities. For example,
http://www.microworlds.com. In essence, microworlds and virtual realities supports learning by doing. According to the authors, microworld can exist anywhere and can be constructed by objects and computers (p. 191).
I like the fact that children are able interact with microworlds designed by teachers. A learning environment that allows students to explore in a meaningful way supports the constructivists’ views. Microworlds characteristics described in the chapter makes learning today seem like more fun than it was centuries ago. I would have loved to have access to a ‘SimCalc’. By exploring the movements of the actors in the simulations I would have definitely grasp the concept of calculus in a more meaningful way. Next, Math Cats is another wonderful microworlds tools. I have explored the website and was amazed. What better way to promote open-ended exploration in mathematics? The boys in my class would love to tour of Math Cats. Another constructivist project, that provides ‘self-regulated learning’ (p.195). Another great microworld project is Counting Money. I am always looking for new ways to introduce currency concepts to my students. The idea of such a project will allow struggling students to grasps the math concept in a meaningful way.
The idea of constructing microworlds makes me think of the wiki project for ece912. The activity helps me to express my own understanding of the wikipedia page. I believe that the microworlds is an excellent way to allow students to create projects that relates to subject of interest. I like that the reading site example of a struggling student. It clearly points out that hands on learning can enhance a child’s knowledge. Virtual Realities, as indicated in the reading has many definitions. I was able grasp a lot of new concepts from this reading. Reflecting on question 5, on page 207, I would love to be able develop an immersive VR. I am going to explore the different microworld characteristics and use a variety. I have a few favourites and would list them according to categories. For instance, fruit, colour, Island etc. Stay tuned for my project.