[FIC] Well, That Was Awkward.

Jul 15, 2010 20:15

Title: Well, That Was Awkward. / When in Rome
Author: Chibi
Genre: Humour. Romance if you’re looking for it.
Characters/Pairings: Akihiko, Minako/Hamuko/FeMC, mentions of others. More-or-less AkiHamu. Sort of.
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13 for foul language and innuendos. In-game quotes, minor P3P spoilers, fail!humour.
Summary: July 7th, Dark Hour. We defeated the Hierophant, but something wasn't quite right - the door was locked after all. I should've suspected something when she went over touch the mirror.
Notes: Akihiko’s side of the Shirakawa Boulevard Shindig. I don’t know about you, but I think I peed a little when Akihiko came out in a towel that was cut off by the game screen. Honhonhonhon.

Damn shadow influence . . .

random, fanwork

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