Fic - She Was a Beautiful Fiction (Part Two)

Apr 30, 2010 00:11

Title: She Was A Beautiful Fiction (I Invented To Keep Out The Cold)
Wordcount: ~4,000 this part, ~8000 so far
Pairing/Characters: Junpei/Chidori, Minato/Aigis, Minato/Yuko, Akihiko/Shinjiro (this part), eventual Mitsuru/Yukari, Takaya/Jin, other possible pairings
Rating: PG-13, this part
Summary: SPOILERS for the entire game. It's January 2010, and Junpei is dreaming of a girl in white.
Note: Title from Blue Caravan by Vienna Teng, modified for gender.

Junpei slid into his room and stared for a moment at his desk, which was piled high with old homework assignments and failed tests.


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