Title: Undeniably Yours
Author: Raffi
Genre: Yaoi/Drama
Characters/Pairings: Shinjiro/Akihiko/Minato.
Chapters: 3 out of ???
Rating: PG-13 for now, R in future chapters.
Summary: They were always like this. Every now and then they both exchanged some punches in the stomach, most often followed by a great finale - a nice one straight to the face. It was a part of them that could not be changed, so they did not even bother to apologize afterwards.
Warnings: none, just be aware of 1) boys kissing and stuff like that, 2) some bad-bad language.
Length: ~ 1 470 words.
thescarletsound for helping me spread the love again!
This way -->
http://users.livejournal.com/raffi__/177799.html?mode=reply (In case you missed previous chapters, just lurk around my LJ, they're easy to find ;3)