The Unquiet Thought, Chapter 19

Aug 28, 2013 23:56

And it begins.
It should have been sooner, but I always to a final check where I basically make a bunch of minor changes in final proofreading. There was a lot to proofread (and I kind of gave up at the end because I'm tired).

Chapter 19

Everything goes in slow motion and then snaps back into place with the ringing of the spear against the floor.

“Thor.” Thor’s father- and Tony is 100% sure it is Thor’s father because of A) Thor’s expression and B) the fact that he reeks of the same angry dad vibe that Howard had, also, armor, so logically…- speaks in a subdued, firm and obviously pissed off voice. “What have you done.” Redundant. “Why was I not made aware of this immediately.”

For just a moment, Thor looks like a cowed little boy and Steve almost sighs in relief except then Thor sets his shoulders back and his chest up and at the moment even Tony knows not to fuck with the old guy. What is Thor’s problem.

“I have a responsibility to this realm, Father. A danger threatened it and I searched out a solution. There have been trials along the way. That is all.”

“A solution,” Odin bites out.

“You need not concern yourself with-”

“I will concern myself where I find it necessary.”

Thor’s mouth snaps shut, and in the silence Loki finds the courage to speak.

“Please, please I don’t understand, I’ve done something, I don’t- I’m sorry, he’s angry, help me fix it, I can’t- can’t do any- why is he angry?” Loki’s voice cracks, he reaches plaintive shaking fingers in the Allfather’s direction. Somehow knowing he is the one to ask. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry, I’m not- I’m not right, you can fix me? I’ve ruined-”

Odin cuts him off as gently as he can given the circumstances.

“He is your brother, Thor. Your brother.” He sighs. “Or was, I suppose. If this is how you honor that title then I will no longer burden him with it. But he is still my son.”

“I-” Thor cuts himself off and gives the apparently universal gesture of frustration and speechlessness (and doesn’t break things, so mild improvement) before pacing to collect his thoughts. Tony makes sure to stand between his path and where Loki is trying to wobble into a standing position. “It will not move, Father. Something has been done to it.”

“Nothing has been done to-”

“You are being GODdamn irrational!”

They turn to stare at Tony, he doesn’t fucking care. He glares at both of them.

Odin raises his hand and summons the hammer with an exhale of its name. Tony and Steve both brace themselves, but instead of crashing through the wall it just… appears. In a little bit of light, but virtually no fanfare. Steve’s eyes narrow in thought and a mutter of really (because, seriously, really? Why is that not a thing Thor ever did. So many walls…).

“Mjolnir,” the Allfather speaks, fire and rage rolling under his skin, dripping off of the words. “Can only be wielded by those who are worthy.”


“Your mother has poisoned you.”

Months ago, when Tony was doing his homework for the Avengers Initiative, he had watched a video clip of security footage from a hospital in New Mexico. Reports of injuries. Worker’s compensation. And he remembers in this moment, even though they used to tease Thor about being like a puppy, what he could do if he turned on them.

Thor strides past him and reaches for Loki.


Initiating contact with Unit Designation Hallr

-Dummy? What are you- please, not now.

Processors overloaded. Unit Designation Hallr’s programming is unstable.

-Oh god, please- I can’t-

Processors overloaded. Unit Designation Hallr must enter sleep mode.

-Thor?! Ohmygodohmygodohmygodpleasedon’t!

Unit Designation Hallr must enter sleep mode.

Processors reaching maximum capacity.

Unit Designation Hallr must enter sleep mode.

Unit Designation Hallr?

Contact disconnected.
Reinitiating connection.
Unit Designation Hallr is unresponsive.
Reinitiating connection.
Connection successful.

Unit Designation Hallr must enter sleep mode. Program override.


The wall crumbles as Thor, the golden prince, is literally thrown through it.

Loki slumps and Tony moves faster than he ever has before out of the suit, grabbing his shoulders before he can tip back and fall. After a look to Tony, Steve moves to check on Thor, only to freeze when the King of Asgard growls at him (fucking growls, Jesus). Tony guides Loki’s unresponsive body back to the wall, it moves like an automaton, and lowers it gently to the ground.


“Dummy has overridden him sir, Mr. Odinson has entered a protected stasis mode.”

“Oh, okay, that’s- wait, Dummy?”

“Apparently he did not fight very hard. Dummy was concerned.”

It’s like logic doesn’t exist today.

Tony checks Loki’s vitals, mostly ignoring the fact that he has no idea what the vitals are supposed to be for a golem, despite all the scans he tried to do. There is no sound, but as he shifts back Tony feels like there is a boulder hanging above him. When he looks up it is at the large daunting form of one of the dwarves standing entirely too close for comfort.

“God- Jesus- Why do people keep doing that to me?! You’re worse than Natasha!”

It glares at him. Tony hesitates for only a second and then scoots back.

The other dwarf is standing off to the side, keeping a watchful eye on everything. Steve catches Tony’s eye- don’t, don’t, please just- and both of them stand down.

“Whatever you did,” Odin turns to the dwarves. “I want it removed.”

Tony jerks forward, tries to shout no, but he can’t even hear himself and he can’t move and he thinks he’s shaking.

“You know it will be more involved than just-”


“We will discuss that later,” Odin looks to Thor, still fallen amid the wall’s remains. Tony is vaguely aware of Natasha coming out of nowhere and securing the fallen Asgardian with the restraints he had originally built for Loki. “I have other matters to deal with at present.”

The dwarf watches Odin (and watches him and watches him) and then nods.


“The first step now,” the dwarf finally nods “It will need to be finished. I will show you the process.” The one with the dark hair kneels down to Loki’s body and does… something. There is the smallest narrowing of the dwarf’s eyes, almost like an unexpected flicker of irritation. The other, the one still standing, turns to Tony. His voice is made of hard edges.

“Get him off the floor.”

Can’t breathe-can’t- how? So fast, ohgodhe’sdead.

JARVIS echoes through the speakers. “If I may perhaps ask Mr. Ivaldison and his brother to step into the other room?”

The one with the dark hair looks pointedly at Odin. Then they step out.  Steve, under the genuinely terrifying gaze of the king of the Norse Gods, very carefully gathers Loki in his arms and stands.

“Take him to the lab.”


“There’s a couch. Just do it.”

Odin is breathing heavily- or not, he doesn’t really have a reference, but Tony can hear each rough exhale, which is probably not normal- his knuckles are white, both on the staff he came with and on Mjolnir’s handle. The hammer hangs down at the king’s side, the weight of it pulling at him like it makes him feel old.

“He is still there; your time together is a part of him.”

Tony chokes a little and focuses on what is left of his wall. “You’ll take him with you?”

“We will be returning to Asgard, but I will not subject him to a world that he hates.” The older man leans heavily on his spear. “We will talk, you and I. When there is time. But for now, perhaps, you will grant me this boon. You will take care of my son.” It is not said as a question, but he hears it anyway.

Tony rubs his palms against his pants and Does Not Think.

“Yeah,” he says, totally not eloquent at all. “Yeah, okay.”

“The throne of Asgard is in your debt.”


When Tony goes down to the lab the bots are all crowded around where Loki is lying unconscious on the couch; there is a green smoothie sitting on the table. Dummy chirps at him.

“What the hell?”


thor, tony, odin, fanfiction, loki, golem-verse

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