The Unquiet Thought, Interlude 5

Aug 13, 2013 20:06

Alright, time to attempt and move the plot along again. Sometimes I feel like I get distracted and forget what I need to make happen.

Interlude (JARVIS)

Many of the tower's residents are asleep. The offices are empty and those that do run at night are quiet, but Mr. Barton is in the vents again, Sir is becoming intoxicated in the lab (he applies all safety protocol without thinking about it and ignores Sir’s irritation that he is now locked out of most lab functions. JARVIS sets all current projects on triple back up in case drunken tinkering renders the surface files useless), and Ms. Romanova is out. Mr. Odinson is currently watching the lights of the city from his window. His patterns of behavior do not appear significant, so while JARVIS does keep a camera on him as a precautionary measure he is not actively filtering through the footage.

The tower remains secure so he decides to run a perimeter scan of 300 yards in all directions.  A commercial flight is scheduled to pass over the city and there was construction started in the subway several blocks away, both closer than he would like. He will have to keep an eye on them.  According to weather patterns there is a high probability of heavy fog in the morning so he creates an alert to order premium coffee brought to R&D at 8am and adjusts the setting of the lights so that they will pass though a filter because the researchers are always torpid when the weather is-


He pulls up the camera connected to the audio sensors that have been activated. Mr. Odinson has turned from the window to look directly at it which, given that this is something Sir himself rarely does, let alone anyone else, leaves JARVIS slightly unsettled. He is unused to direct eye contact.

“Do you require anything?”

“Is Mr. Stark alright?”

“What makes you think he would be otherwise?”

“Dummy is asking that I come down and help them put him to bed.”

A review of footage from the last three hours shows that Mr. Odinson has not moved from his perch, and Dummy has most definitely not left the lab.

Dummy is asking?

“Sir is fine; it is nothing that we have not dealt with before. Please remain where you are.”

Mr. Odinson looks thoughtful, as though he will stand and go to Sir’s lab anyway, and because Sir is incapacitated and vulnerable the exits of the quarters silently seal shut. They remain that way even when Mr. Odinson settles back into the chair with a nod and picks up his book.

JARVIS set his other functions to run in the background and accesses Dummy’s communication log.

Chapter 14

fanfiction, loki, jarvis, golem-verse

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