Gackt~~ mitaaaaaa

Nov 22, 2005 18:34

I read that Gackt was going to be on two FM Okinawa radio shows today, so I figured out where the studio was (with help from my cousin) and planned to go there.  I wasn't sure if he was actually going to be there, and if we'd be able to see him, so we sorta took our time to get down there. ^^;;  When we got there around 10:45, there was a line already~

Please do not repost these photos anywhere~ thanks!

I am not looking too happy because the line was really long, and I 'forgot' to wear decent clothes and looked like crap. XD  I was still in tourist mode and didn't switch to Gackt mode for this. ^^;

This is the front of the studio.

Eventually lots more people came and we were somewhere around the middle of the line.  We weren't even sure what we were waiting for because it seemed like way too many people to fit into a radio studio.  niatinari also joined us. :D

Around 12:45pm they announced they'd start letting us in at 1:00~ *o*  So the line moved, then stopped, then moved and stopped a couple times, and we saw people coming out the exit, looking verrry happy indeed. ^^  We heard the comments as they came out, 'you can see his face', 'cornrows'. XD

We finally got closer to the building, and heard the interview with Gackt playing on the speakers outside.  We got in and went up the stairs to the second floor~  Then....

They let us go in groups to the window of this really small room where the interview was taking place.  At first I was at the back, but I think because I started saying 'mienai mienai' (I can't see I can't see), the guy pushed us back to the line, so I ended up being at the very front of the next group.  o_o  We kneeled down in front of the glass so the people behind could see. ^^  But there was Gackt, only about 10 feet away, separated from me by just a pane of glass.  He looked really gooood.  If only he wasn't wearing sunglasses, I really wanted to see his eyes.  We waved a little, but he was busy talking (and glowing ^^).  They then told us our time was up, and just as we started getting up, he smiled and waved at us~  shiawase desu.  Life=complete. XD

I am really glad I went after all.  ^^  He was on a second radio show, a couple hours later, so I decided to go back to the hotel and listen to it there.  I really wanted to hear the interview.  Before that, we all three went to Kokusaidori, the main shopping street in Naha, and had lunch.  Okinawa soba, oishiiii.  We also did a bit of shopping before heading back.


The interviewer mentioned that Gackt was worried about all the fans that were lined up outside because it looked like it was going to rain~  After the concert last night he went out partying until 6:00a.m. ^^  He slept for two hours, as usual.  Imee-chan, you will love what he said in this interview!! :D  They talked about how he is having a concert in Korea, and she asked what other countries in Asia he likes.  He said China and Taiwan, but he wants to go to countries he has never been to including Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia~ :D  Then she asked him what is something he would like to challenge himself with.  He said that he loves languages, going to other countries and learning by listening to their language.  He saw that in the Guinness Book of World Records, the most languages one person knows was something like 12, and he wants to challenge that. ^^  He said he already speaks Chinese, English and a little French (one of the fans asked if he would do his MC in Korean during the concert, and he said his Korean is not at conversational level ^^).  The reason he likes languages so much is that he is interested in other cultures.  He talked about how he would say some Okinawan words to his Taiwanese friends, and they would actually understand some words because they have Chinese roots; it makes him think about how the language flowed to Okinawa from China.  It reminded me when we were in the taxi and Ricky said that the guy speaking Okinawan sounded like he was speaking Chinese. ^^

He said that he would definitely come back to Okinawa. :D  He said he felt a 'power' when he steps foot on this land... I do believe I feel that power too.

She asked him what is his best Christmas memory.  He said he hasn't had a private Christmas in about 10 years...  But his best Christmas memory was performing at Yokohama Arena~

Those were the major points in the interview.  I'm really glad I got to listen to it.  I could've went back to see him again, but I decided it was alright.  Seeing him that one time was enough to make me very very happy. ^^  And here we go again, I miss him~~  mata mitai na.  ano suteki na egao~~

Tomorrow we leave Okinawa.  I've gained a lot of wonderful memories on this leg of the trip.  I'll never forget the concert, and I'll never forget seeing his smiling face.  I'll be sad to leave... but there are many more days to come, in Tokyo!!

diabolos, japan, okinawa, gackt, gackt live

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