Well, we finally have some Shirota Yuu (2nd Generation Tezuka) information!
There were rumours that were floating around that Shirota might appear in the Broadway production of Sweeney Todd; however, it's very much false because it's impossible for him to be in the Broadway production of Sweeney Todd as the Broadway production will close in September 3rd, 2006.
Thanks to
amamiyarin, Shirota's going to be in the Japanese production of the Sweeney Todd musical. He's playing the character, Anthony Hope, I'm not too sure how it's going to be pronounced in Japanese, but basically he's playing the cheerful young sailor that accompanies Sweeney Todd when they dock from their ship. There will be performances everyday from January 5th, 2007 to January 29th, 2007 at the Nissay Theatre.
Tickets will go on sale for front seats on August 26th (Saturday):
S seat for 12,600 Yen and A seat for 8,000 Yen.
For more information please visit these three sites:
http://www.nissaytheatre.or.jp/paf/2007_01sweeney.htm - The Theater at which the musical will be performing
Also, it looks like his Jyun Bride movie is finally being released on DVD.
The release date is currently set on October 6th, 2006.
And selling around 3800~3990yen (so around 33~35 something bucks)
It's basically the movie adaption of the popular manga by Satoshi Yoshida, starring Yuu Shirota and Aki Kawamura.
DVD Details:
Running Time: 80mins.
NTSC Format
Layers: single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s): 16:9 LB Vista
Regional Encoding: 2
Encoding: MPEG-2
Audio Track :
: Dolby Digital Stereo
For more information visit
NeoWing's page on it or
CD Japan.
And both Suzuki Hiroki (2nd Generation Oishi) and Araki Hirofumi (2nd Generation Inui) will star in the play Limit~ What's Your Story?~ (limit~あなたの物語は何ですか?~).
And Zukkii will also be in ソフィストリー~Philosophism~ (ソフィストリー~詭弁~).
I don't have much information on these two plays, so if anyone has any and would like to share, please don't hesitate to do so ^^
And that about wraps it up.