Shinji's got a gi~rlfriend (i.e. Ryuki movie post)

Oct 05, 2009 21:34

So epic movie was epic. I loved this movie, I think it's by far my favorite Kamen Rider movie so far... even with that cockblock of an ending.

Seriously, way to be trolls, Toei. Not that that's surprising or anything. ONORE DIKEIDO!! >>

I thought the rationale behind the Rider battle was better thought out than in the series, and the doubles from the mirror world were deliciously creepy. As for the resolution to the characters' storylines, that was extremely well done in the series, but I thought this held up well, overall, and one in particular I like better in this for tinhatty reasons.

But anyway... Shinji got himself a hot girlfriend \:D/


Miho was awesome. Loved her!

And Shinji was adorable around her, from his initial Hellooooo nurse! reaction when he first saw her, to his annoyance and exasperation, to the look in his eyes when he realizes she's being "real".

I thought she was gonna kiss him. D:

And I bawwwed. ;_____;

Speaking of bawwww....

Considering Ren's tough guy act, it's ironic that he's the one that gets the broken down with grief emotional scenes. Not so ironic given that the tough guy act IS an act.

And I loved that last conversation they had. I love that Ren told Shinji that he's been his only real friend. And I love that Shinji understands and accepts it. And that if need, he will fight Ren in order to honor that friendship. And then telling each other not to die. *_*

And because I wouldn't be me if I didn't obsess about Kitaoka, he's the one whose resolution I prefer here as compared to the movie (even though he doesn't actually GET a real resolution, in that we don't know what ultimately happened to him).

I mean, in both it's basically the same. In the end, he realizes that spending what little time he has left fighting is largely pointless and realizes maybe he doesnt' really need eternal life, because the life he got was pretty damn good. And I loved that. In the series he then decides he wants to fight Asakura one last time. So as to not leave any unfinished business, I suppose, and I get that, and I think it's respectable, but... in way it's like he couldn't leave well enough alone and go enjoy his last little bit of life, he had to keep fighting. Except of course he doesn't actually go, he dies before that, Goro-chan goes instead, gets killed, I wibble and get all choked up, and meanwhile Reiko is waiting for him at a restaurant, while he's lying dead on the couch in his office/home.

Instead here, he comes to the same realization, he no longer wants to fight, he wants to enjoy the time he has left. So again he calls Reiko and asks her out. And THIS scene I loved. In the series, Shimada, Megumi, everyone around Reiko clearly is of the opinion that she has SOME sort of feelings for Kitaoka, but you don't really see acknowledgement from Reiko herself. She agreed to go in part at the insistence of Shimada and Megumi. In this version, no one tells her maybe she should say yes, and she doesn't really. She just stops saying no when he corrects her and says it's the 42nd time he's asked her out, not the 38th. It gives her pause, and he tells her he'll be waiting (I love how he leans forward and gets all intense then), and she says okay... if she feels like it.

Like Goro-chan, I'm pretty sure she's gonna go.

Specially since later she's putting on makeup and henshuucho remarks on how HAPPY she seems. Yup, she totally goes.

And instead of risking that last chance he's got by fighting one last time, Kitaoka leaves his card deck behind and goes with Goro-chan to buy flowers for his date. And that's the last we see of him, and we never know for sure if he actually made it to the date or if he died before that (for what it's worth, the movie says Zolda "forfeited", instead of saying he died). But it doesn't really matter, because the real resolution is that he stuck with his decision to quit the Rider battle and go grab a little bit of life instead.

On a related note...

This goes as much for the series as for the movie, I have to say that, all tinahttery aside, it seems pretty obvious to me that Goro-chan loves Kitaoka very much. And a lot of the time, specially watching him give Kitaoka adoring looks, or being upset over him, it doesn't seem like such a stretch to think he's also in love with Kitaoka.

And lastly, in the superficial, Bad Boys Are Hot angle, I have two things to say:

Asakura, you're so fucking disturbing. And hot. >>

...I'll be in my bunk.

kamen rider ryuki

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