Yaoh 4 + Shu-san + picspam

Jul 22, 2009 00:05

I've been watching YAOH (originally because it has Kaname Jun and Suga Takamasa as hosts, and what more reason could one need?). I just watched episode 4 tonight, and as much as I've enjoyed the 3 episodes preceding it, this one blew them away.

I think the thing for me personally is that even though when one compares to Giragira (the other drama about hosts that I've watched) it comes off far grittier and more realistic (the hosts are grownups!), there's still a sort of naivete to YAOH. I guess it's unavoidable when the show's protagonist is an idealist who sees himself as a knight in shining armor, working as a host to heal women's hearts. I mean, I get it, I understand that this IS still romnaticized and doesn't ever pretend it's not. I mean, the idea that a guy like Ryosuke won't just survive in a world this cuthroat, but actually thrive and (I assume) eventually become Rome's top draw, gives it a certain faery tale feel, you don't QUITE buy it. The whole time you know you're watching a fantasy, basically. And that's okay, like I said, I like it a lot for what it is.

But this is also the reason why I loved this episode so much. Because it focuses on Shu (Kaname Jun ^o^); and Shu is basically a decent guy who doesn't whore himself or push women to prostitution, but he's not an idealized guy like Ryosuke. I would say Shu is in fact quite realistic. He's got his issues, he chose freedom over respectability, and he's very aware of what he gave up. And he can't quite reconcile that, and deep down he's a little ashamed of it. He doesn't have that pristine outlook on what being a host ideally is. He realizes that he lives in a gray area and he does his best to navigate it. And so, in my opinion, the fact that this episode focused on him and that the Woman Of The Week was his little sister makes it a lot more realistic and stronger, it's more inmediate because the idealized faery tale sheen isn't as thick.

Again, this is in no way a criticism of the series, I think it's a great drama and am enjoying it a lot. This is just the reason that I think this episode in particular is on a whole other level.

But anyway, that's enough tl;dr. On to the screencaps~

Kagame Jun's O NOES, kicked puppy look was priceless in Agito, and it's priceless here. Expect to see a lot of it here. XD

A lot can be said about Seiya, but I'm not even gonna try. Let's just leave it at DAT'S HAWT.

...I love men who like to suck on lollipops 8DDDD

The entire idea of host factions meeting at an intersection of Kabukicho like they're mob families about to go to war fills me with glee \:D/


I loved this scene.

In real life, I hate cigarrettes and the smell is icky. But damn, guys look hot smoking.

The rueful smile on his face is so cute.


Lookie who we have here \:D/

Kaname Jun being all forceful and manly? Dear GOD, that was sexy.

Suga, you are an evil bastard in this, and I love you. XD


Matsuda Satoshi is SUCH a sleazeball in this role. And he's good at it too.

Great smirk there. XD

...I really shouldn't find this so hot. >.>

Seriously, you just want to hug hm and give him cookies. It's ridiculous.

The OSHIT look on his face was fabulous \:D/

*insert appropriate quote from The Godfather here*

And lastly...

It takes a special kind of man to be able to pull off the sunglasses indoor AND at night look.

Kitamura Kazuki is that kind of man. ¦D

suga takamasa, yaoh, matsuda satoshi, kaname jun

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