40.5 on Shitenhouji

Dec 05, 2007 03:11

Funny how once stuff like 20.5 and 40.5 comes out, it reaffirms some stuff you believe and it throws amusing little surprises at you. For instance, to go by some of the stuff in his profile, it would seem that Kura is as, um, botanically inclined as us fangirls assume Chitose is. Also? Zaizen's a bit of a geek. A cool one.

(Basically, the old Shitenhouji search site updated the Shitenhouji character profiles to include 40.5 data)

So, stuff I was able to understand/found amusing:

Shiraishi Kuranosuke
Grade: year 3, class 2 #14 (same as Kenya)
Birthdate: 4/14 (aries)
Blood type: B
Height: 178cm
Weight: 66kg
Hand: left
Fave food: cheese risotto
Hobbies: chess, 健康体操 (kanji reader says health gymnastics? like yoga, I guess?)
Family: father, mother, older sis, younger sis, cat named Senri
Father's occupation: 薬剤師 (chemist/pharmacist)
Commitee: 保健委員 (health/hygiene)
Best subject: chemistry
Worst subject: none
Most visited spot in the school: infirmary
Spends his allowance on: health goods
Motto: 有終の美 (Perfection's beauty)
Movie: korean movies
Book: 植物図鑑 (basically, illustrated book on plants... THIS is why I say he's into pot)
Music: トランス系 (um... ? Rave-y stuff?)
Color: 若草色 (grass-colored... READ: WEED-COLORED)
Type: a girl that smells like shampoo?
Favorite date spot: botanical garden (see Chitose's below)
Most desired/needed item: full-length mirror
Daily routine: お風呂あがりのストレッチ(ヨガ) - stretching after getting out of the bath (yoga)
Dislikes: 逆ナンしてくる女の子 (girls that go out to hit on guys?)
Special skill: is able to recognize poisonous plants (again with the... yeah)

Chitose Senri
Grade: year 3, class 1 #17
Birthdate: 12/31 (capricorn)
Blood type: A
Height: 194cm
Weight: 81kg
Hand: left
Fave food: basashi (raw horsemeat dish... ew)
Hobbies: shougi, walking
Family: father, mother, Miyuki
Father's occupation: potter XDDDD
Commitee: 美化委員 (um... beautification?), same as Banira Aisu
Best subject: math, history, art
Worst subject: music XD
Most visited spot in the school: 学校の裏山 (the hill behind the school? to smoke his weed?)
Spends his allowance on: ふらっと出かけたときの電車賃 (I think basically he goes out and gets a random train ticket... I SO CALLED THAT CHITOSE SORT OF WANDERS OFF AIMLESSLY EVERY SO OFTEN!!!)
Motto: 面白きこともなき世を面白く - When you're bored, make life interesting (not a literal translation)
Movie: Ghibli anime
Book: 詰め将棋の本 (shogi book)
Music: the sound of rustling leaves
Color: 蒲公英色 (the color of dandalions???)
Type: カゲのある子 (um? maybe he likes Utena too?)
Favorite date spot: the park (see Kura's above)
Most desired/needed item: シルバーピアス (silver piercing... I'm guessing earring)
Daily routine: 散策しながら野良猫を愛でる事 (goes for a walk and... admires stray cats? or something)
Dislikes: spiders XDDD
Special skill: 見ただけで兄弟構成がわかる事 (Recognizing siblings on sight)

Oshitari Kenya
Grade: year 3, class 2 #5
Birthdate: 3/17 (pisces)
Blood type: B
Height: 177cm
Weight: 63kg
Hand: right
Fave food: green soup?, oden
Hobbies: window-shopping
Family: father, mother, younger brother, iguana (XD)
Father's occupation: doctor (guess it's the family business)
Commitee: 放送委員 (broadcasting?)
Best subject: english, math
Worst subject: world history
Most visited spot in the school: 放送室 (broadcasting room... do they mean radio?)
*Went to the same elementary school as Yuushi*
Spends his allowance on: hair bleach
Motto: NOスピードNOライフ (No speed no life <--- in engrish)
Movie: Speed (oh, KENYA)
Book: モータースポーツマンガ (motor sports manga)
Music: rap (again... oh, KENYA)
Color: red, white
Type: an innocent girl
Favorite date spot: amusement park jetcoaster
Most desired/needed item: new belt
Daily routine: takes care of his iguana
Dislikes: waiting
Special skill: drums

Zaizen Hikaru
Grade: year 2, class 7 #14
Birthdate: 7/20 (cancer)
Blood type: A
Height: 167cm
Weight: 57kg
Hand: left
Fave food: 白玉ぜんざい (shiratama - white flour dumpling)
Hobbies: music appreciation (western/non-japanese)
Family: father, mother, older brother, sister-in-law, nephew (meaning he's the WAY younger child... figures)
Father's occupation: salaryman (commerce)
Commitee: Library committee
Best subject: english
Worst subject: classics
Most visited spot in the school: audiovisual room
Spends his allowance on: CD代、ネット代 (CDs and EPs... so, music)
Motto: 能ある鷹は爪を隠す (a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve; one shouldn't show off; the person who knows most often says least)
Movie: Amelie (aww... what a sweetie!)
Book: music mags
Music: brittish indy stuff
Color: carmine
Type: a family-oriented girl
Favorite date spot: オシャレなカフェ (swank cafe)
Most desired/needed item: オーディオセット audioset
Daily routine: blogging XD
Dislikes: 魚のにがいところ (no clue)
Special skill: パソコンで作曲すること (composes music on his computer?)

Oh, and Yuuji's type is "Koharu"

redmoonmurder did Kin-chan, Yuuji and Koharu. ^_^

ETA: thanks to athena8, megaraptor and amamiyarin for the translation help. :D

pot, shitenhouji, 40.5

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