(no subject)

Aug 16, 2006 11:50

This is probably my fifth lj account. I don't know why I keep making new ones all the time. But if I wrote in a book instead of on the net, the pages of the book would at some point be full, and I would've had to get a new one. I feel this is almost the same thing, and it's not necessarily a bad one.

And just like I wouldn't leave my non-electric diary on public display, this won't be open to everybody either. It's not because I'm trying to be something or someone, I just like to know who reads my journal.
But as long as I don't know you, and we've got stuff in common, just comment and I'm sure I'll add you back.

Et parlez français avec moi, s'il vous plaît! Je suis très terrible, et il faut que je m'améliore. Et plus, je détéste aller à Provance et parle anglais. Ça gache toute la...chose. Ou l'experience, si tu feux. (Celles-là sont probablement même pas correct. Celui-ci non plus! Je parie que tous ont l'air stupide.)

friends only, french

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